On September 9th, President Joe Biden made the announcement that all employers with more than 100 employees would be required to enforce a worker vaccine mandate.

At the same time Biden announced all federal workers must be vaccinated and issued an updated executive order.  Biden also expanded the federal requirements for contractors, Executive Order Here.

♦ The federal worker requirement has a date for guidance to execute the order listed as Sept. 16th: “The Task Force shall issue guidance within 7 days of the date of this order on agency implementation of this requirement for all agencies covered by this order.” {Section 2.0 link}.  The XO is very vague and generic on the issue of guidance.

♦ The due date for guidance for the contractor order is September 24th: “By September 24, 2021, the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (Task Force) shall, as part of its issuance of Task Force Guidance, provide definitions of relevant terms for contractors and subcontractors, explanations of protocols required of contractors and subcontractors to comply with workplace safety guidance {Section 2.0(b) link}.  However, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has to review the Task Force guidance for feasibility and then approve the guidance.

So, there are three elements: (1) Federal worker mandate; (2) Federal contractor mandate; and the big controversial one, (3) a national worker mandate for companies with over 100 employees.

Focusing on #3, the big one.  The only material from the White House on the BIG CONTROVERSIAL national worker mandate is a small paragraph on the WH COVID PLAN section:


white-house-worker-mandate.jpg 300w" alt="" width="638" height="264" />


… That’s it folks.  Almost a week later, and that’s the sum total of everything about the biggest economic and workforce disruption in the history of the nation.  That one paragraph posted on September 10th.

Why is this important?

Well, the U.S. Department of Labor website has ZERO mentions of this national mandate.  ZERO, nothing… nada, zilch. [SEE HERE]

Looking at the OSHA COVID information portal, used by employers and legal execs, will show you the exact same result.  Nothing.  [SEE HERE]

Notice there’s no date for DoL or OSHA delivery of any employer guidance or details.  Nothing.

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