
Jaguar Security Firm pulled out of Cal Anderson Park on Tuesday night, after being hired to protect it while it was repaired during ongoing protests.

Seattle’s Cal Anderson Park has been closed since June 30. On Tuesday, the park was cleared for repairs to a field house damaged in the continued rioting sparked by the death of George Floyd. Jaguar Security was contracted to guard the area from angry demonstrators during the night, but walked out during their first shift.

Jaguar Security owner Ricky McGhee told Fox News that when he showed up at the park, he and two of his armed guards were immediately confronted by a group of individuals wielding “poles and sticks.” They were immediately bombarded with threats of violence.

“I went there to make sure, as the owner of the company, that nothing serious would go down. I wanted to make sure everything was going to be cool,” McGhee recalled. “As soon as we entered that park, they started verbally attacking us … calling us all kinds of names like ‘sellouts’ and [telling us] what they would do to us.” Lights were allegedly shone into McGhee’s and employees’ eyes, making it difficult to identify those involved.

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