Five black Republicans won primary races in the Baltimore area, a fact that one candidate believes has not received any media coverage.


"The media won’t cover it but ... we all won our primary races,” self-described pro-Trump congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik tweeted Thursday. “You are looking at the Republican candidates in the greater Baltimore area. We have officially joined forces. Flipping seats RED @CAnderson2020 @m_andrews2020 @EBoikai @VoteVismale.”

Klacik, who won her primary earlier this month to run in the November general election for the seat held by the late Democrat Elijah Cummings for decades, can be seen pictured with Baltimore City Council candidates Christopher Anderson, Michelle Andrews, Eugene Boikai, and Maria Vismale.

Klacik, a GOP strategist, lost a special primary contest in April to Kweisi Mfume, a former Democratic congressman and president of the NAACP, to serve the remainder of Cummings's term. They will compete again for Maryland’s 7th Congressional District in November.

Anderson, a third-generation Baltimorean and Coast Guard veteran, won his primary to become the GOP nominee for Baltimore City Council District 7.

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