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  • There are reports of this sort of COOKING THE BOOKS being raised all over the United States, not just areas with high rates of infection...  none of the models and numbers can be trusted as they have been politically compromised... PERIOD.

    • it's a shame that we have to through this.

  • Example of Scientific Research and Data. "A group of scientists took fleas and told them to "Jump!" The fleas jumped. Then the scientists removed the fleas legs, then told the fleas to " Jump. " The fleas could not jump. Scientific Conclusion, "If you remove the legs from fleas and tell them to "Jump!!, they become deaf. 

    If told to enough people who have never seen a "flea" and have no concept of a "flea" the above Scientific Conclusion becomes a Fact. Very similar to this "Virus" situation. 

    This is exactly the "Purpose of the Boundaries" set forth in our Bill of Rights , to prevent the establishment of such facts taking the "Control over the Actions of the Citizens" without " Due Process. Simple enough to grasp now?

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • way to go Lynn

    • isn't that something


  • The government is feeding the People a diet of lies and misrepresentations (fake news)... Any data or attempt to use science, to justify what the People empirically, and intuitively, know to be false; serves only to anger the majority of our population and build further distrust of the government. The Government's propaganda is no longer working... the Tail Waging the Dog is no longer a viable tool for public indoctrination.  The Gig is up... the government has completely lost the confidence of its People... it is seen in many quarters as corrupt, dishonest, abusive and in need of major reforms.

    • isn't that the truth


    • Any time you intuitively know something without data or facts you are guilty of fake news.  Even worse you damage your own reputation.  I will no longer read any thing you print.

    • Anytime one's intuition and the empirical evidence agree, there can be NO DOUBT as to the truth.  We have both empirical evidence and our innate intuitive deduction, to inform us of the massive corruption in government.  Our conclusions are not based on conspiracy theories; albeit, many conspiracy theories prove to be true.  In this matter  we have both empirical and intuitive evidence of the corruption in government.

    • who are you refering to?


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