The Border State's must take action to secure their Southern borders... Under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 4 every state may defend itself against invasion, against all forms of War. Under Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution the Federal Government is required to defend a States borders against invasion, as part of their Constitutional duty to secure the Republic. The Southern Border States are being invaded. MASS MIGRATION is an asymmetrical warfare tactic and tool, used by belligerent nations to engage a target State(s) whose superior military forces otherwise preclude an invasion. Thus, The Marxist states South of our Southern Border as sponsoring asymmetrical warfare against the United States using mass migration as their weapon.
Mass Migration is used by hostile governments to occupy and overwhelm a Nation's social services and economy... The State-sponsored ILLEGAL migration of Tens of Millions of indigent, unskilled, welfare-dependent migrants, and criminals constitutes an Act of War, and the State legislatures and Governors of those states being invaded need to mobilize the State's Police forces and National Guard to stop the invasion. They need to defend their borders until the Federal government DEMONSTRATES THEY WILL stop the invasion.
This crisis is not an immigration problem... under the sole jurisdiction of the Federal Government. This crisis is a breach of the State's soverignty, the result of an orchestrated invasion sponsored by the Marxist States, South of our Southern Border. It is an act of asymmetrical war.
Immigration is the lawful process by which foreigners apply to enter the US legally... Illegal Mass Migration sponsored by foreign states is an invasion, not immigration. The Constitution gives every state the right to defend itself from acts of war. See article 1, section 10, clause 4.
Improper Asylum Petitions and claims are not the fruit of illegal mass migration... The orchestrated illegal entry of tens of millions seeking to claim asylum under contrived conditions is an invasion, not the lawful exercise of our nation's or international asylum Law. State sponsors of such illegal agency are committing an act of war and our officials who support such acts of war are giving aid and comfort to our enemies and may well be committing TREASON.
HELLO AMERICA!! There is NOTHING about this being an Actual Humanitarian Aid Situation, this is just what it looks like ------AN INVASION!! This is an Orchestrated Invasion of the United States without Any soldiers with weapons in Military Transport Trucks, NO Tanks, NO Howitzer Artillery Cannons and NO Cavalry on horseback, these are going to be your New Welfare & Food Stamp cases with many taking whatever jobs there are to be found, these will be some of those who will be living 10 in a 2 bedroom apartment with Most of those apartments and houses recently vacated by American's who were Evicted for Failure to Pay Rent because their Jobs Disappeared with the Closing Down of America due to a so-called Pandemic which is Mostly the Seasonal Flu but with a Survival Rate nonetheless of 98.8% which is a LOT LESS than the number of people killed by Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers.
This COVID-19, remember that this is an acronym for "Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. 2020 with the '19' broken down this way: the number '1' stands for the first letter of the alphabet which is 'A' and the '9' being the ninth number of the alphabet which is 'I' is just a cryptic and insidious way of hiding the Too Obvious for Gates & Co. to be honest about because it let's the proverbial "Cat out of the Bag" stands for 'A.I' which itself in an abbreviation for ''Artificial Intelligence." So if the Luciferian Weasel Bill Gates & Co., the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), the U.N. (United Nations), the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum), N.I.H. (National Institute of Health) and Johns Hopkins etc, etc, were being Honest, which they Can't because it would expose this SCAMDEMIC/PLANNEDEMIC for what it Really is to Most people with an I.Q. of 100 or more is Really this ----- "Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification w/Artificial Intelligence" which is what is actually inside the so-called "Vaccine" which ISN'T a Vaccine at all and there is NO Medicinal Value in it whatsoever ---- IT IS A TRACKING DEVICE USING NANO-BOT TECHNOLOGY and this is Only the beginning, there Will be Many More Shot's to be taken and they WILL become MANDATORY. So now You have the Truth as to what this is All about and it has been planned for a Very Long Time.
As far as the Invaders? This has Also been planned a Long Time Ago. This is where the Borders of America and Mexico and America and Canada will eventually Not be used for Anything but to track the movement of EVERY INDIVIDUAL'S going and coming in and out of what Will be called the North American Union or the NAU based on the Already-Long-In-Place-Dictatorship that is the European Union or the E.U. We are supposed to have a New Currency called the Amero too but I think "'They"' have moved past that now and will just go totally digital with No More paper currency as they begin to phase in the Quantum Dot I.D. but I'm getting away from myself here.
SOooo, How do you like those tidbits of Factoids? America's Sovereignty is being dissolved incrementally and there is NOBODY going to do a Thing about it or We Would have at least 20 years ago after the "Inside Job" of 9-11 that was perpetrated by Israel and it's Mossad (They Set & Detonated the Explosives and other technology that Destroyed the Twin Towers), George W. Bush, Dick Cheney (who seized Control of NORAD), Donald Rumsfeld and their Dual-Citzen Israeli-'American' Terrorist Pals of PNAC (The Project for a New American Century) who Orchestrated the entire Operation, the CIA, the British MI5/MI6 and other's who intentionally Made 9-11 happen to begin the process of turning this Once Free America into a Police State..... which is Not actually the proper term now if you were able to see enough of the video footage of the "Terrorist Shooting" in Boulder, CO last Monday.... We No Longer have a Police Presence in America, We are a Military Occupied Country that is the designated Military Force of the New World Order. There had to be at least 500 Soldiers Not including the 'Police' in Full Armored Battlefield Preparation and included as many as 10 MRAP's (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles) that are basically Tanks without a Main Cannon but are ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL for being used on the streets of America's Cities but that was before the Other Illegal & UnConstitutional LAW that was Forced on Congress by then Vice-President Dick Cheney in Oct. of 2001 known as the "USA PATRIOT ACT" which is also a acronym for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"...... Now that took a few people (TRAITORS) quite a while to put that word salad together don't you think?
Anyway, this Show of Military Force and Presence WAS DONE INTENTIONALLY AS A SEQUEL FOR ANY AMERICAN MILITIAS WITH ANY IDEAS OF A ARMED INSURRECTION OR SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION after the Jan. 6, 2021 FAKE INSURRECTION that was really the prequel for what probably was EVERY Police Department's SWAT Unit's and other's with names I don't yet know from the Entire State of Colorado, I Know that Units from as far away as Denver were also there. THIS WAS A TOTAL SETUP WITH THE INTENTION OF SCARING THE HELL OUT OF ANY AND EVERY AMERICAN WITH ANY IDEAS OF A GOVERNMENT OVERTHROW LIKE I SAID ALREADY WITH DIFFERENT WORDS. This seems to also have been a Setup as the 'Perp' was walked out by 2 - 3 Lame looking Police?/SWAT/National Guard?..... something was just Not Right about the whole thing especially with the so-called "Muslim Terrorist Murderer(?) walking out alive?? The Only blood that could be seen Anywhere was dripping down the 'Perp's' Right leg. Having watched 3+ hours of this whole situation Live-Streamed from the phone of a Internet Channel I'd rather Not mention right now because it is Absolutely Censorship Free and I would like it to stay that way, the guy who Live-Streamed it for three hours got there to hear 3 gunshots from around the corner of the Supermarket's Entrance and there was a woman face-down apparently dead, a male on his back in the middle of the parking lot about 25 yards from the women and as he went into the store unaware that the gunman had also entered into the store videoed a apparently dead male on his back to the right of the door entrance. The weird thing is that there was this middle-aged man standing inside the doorway who told the journalist, which is how this guy who Live-Streamed the whole thing was identifying himself as, but the guy didn't even seem phazed by any of it and actually pointed out the male face-up on the floor before this journalist saw the body which is when he backed out of the store and continued to Live-Stream for the next 3 hours. I've written Way Too Much here so I better pack it in for now and Copy and Paste this for future reference. Good Bye!!
Actually. It's an atack on our Country from the Goebbelists that just stole our country per Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of our Constituion.
That happens to be the law of the land. And as these stinkiung maggots that JUST STOLE THE ELECTION,COUNTRY AND FREEDOM FROM US.....................NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!! Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 ....For that reason alone we should withdraw our willing consent.
This nation of TRAINED sheep is allowing a Totalitarian Gov. to be installed. Now I know what they mean by,"Stupid Americans". Like,Too stupid to retain their freedom but instead aid in their tyrants rise. Don't get much dumber than that,does it?
As Far As The Covid 19 Corona Virus Part Of This Goes- I Believe That It Is Actually Sepsis Blood Infection That Is Actually Killing People. There Are Already At Least 270,000 People A Year That Die From Sepsis In The United States Alone (Every Year Before Covid 19)- It Is Recorded That 1 in Every 3 people That Die In A Hospital Actually Die From Sepsis. No Matter What The Original Reason For Being In The Hosptal Was..! More Lies and Deceptions That They Never Ever Tell Us Almost No One Knows Anything About Sepsis Infection Nor Have They Even Heard Of It... Sepsis Deaths Have Been Counted As Covid 19 Deaths To Make The Numbers Severely Higher..! Just Thought I Would Mention This Since I Found It Out Accidently While Reasearching..!
This facility appears to have thousands of individuals undergoing isolation... and some look to be dead. It raises the question as to the POSITIVE TESTING FOR COVID that is reported in this report.
Are the Border Patrol and INS failing to inform the US PUBLIC of a National Health Crisis on our Border... are we being inundated by COVID-positive illegal aliens unable to obtain care in their own country ... are now swarming to the US with the aid of our government? If so this must stop and the perps of such a policy indicted for several crimes... The immediate removal of the COVID Positive individuals from the US must occur, with deportation to Mexico the Nation of their arrival... let them sort out the mess.
P. Henry > Ronald A. Nelson COL, USA, RetiredMarch 25, 2021 at 9:42am
Colonel, there is Only One solution for this Country's Righteous Patriot Nationalist People and it is the solution that should have been enacted decades ago: We Must Take Up Arms Against this Zionist/Communist infiltrated Congress and ALL Agencies of it's Federal Cabal before China itself marches into it, We Are Out of Time. There is No Other Way Out now especially with the Absolute assuredness that We will NEVER have another Free and Fair Election of Any type knowing that the Last Presidential Election was a Total FRAUD and the Will of the People Ignored and with a Hard Slap-in-the-Face with it. The Court's Especially the Supreme Court are With Our Enemy who is Actually In Charge of America because Joe Biden is NOT!! And Harris Not even worth a mention.
NOTHING but Divine Intervention will Save this Country and If Our Creator is expected to help, the axiom (the proper word?)of "God Helps those that Help Themselves" Must hold true because We have been doing Nothing but waiting for some mortal being to Take Charge and Save US and We can now see just how Well that has turned out.
America is Not the Titanic headed for the iceberg, We Are the Titanic that already hit it 2 hours and 20 minutes ago and there is just another 20 minutes left before it slips beneath the surface and Gone FOREVER!! We have waited Too Long and Don't even have a Military any longer on Our Side so there is Only We the People left. It would Only be with God's Divine Love and Help that We would have Any chance of Success and sadly I couldn't even take part in it from other than an almost stationary position because of my physical condition, but 20 years ago had I known then what I do now there would have been Nothing stopping me. To depend on today's youth? I guess I may as well wait for the door to come crashing in and meeting my maker very soon after because I'm Not one to delude myself with Old Hollywood Movie style thoughts of Audi Murphy covering the door, the back door, the East window and the West window and blasting those repelling to the roof from the Copter above....but I'll take a few with me that's for sure!!
Send ALL of them back in the Southern direction they came from. We have NO obligation to take in ANYBODY from Anywhere especially those from the shitholes of Their TURD WORLD Countries to further drag down and drown Our National Culture and Heritage.
The fastest way to End this would be a Armed Military/Militia/Citizen Patrols with Shoot-to-Kill-Orders with ALL Foreigners attempting to Enter past Any Checkpoint shot in the kneecaps ad if that Doesn't Stop them than a Few Head-Shots will. This is exactly what is needed to be done at the Boders of Southern Europe too with Armed Patrol Boats sinking ALL that refuse to turn bsck to Libya which is Mostly where they are coming from. Pick up NO Survivors and let them drown. This has Never been about a Humanitarian Mission and has ALWAYS been about Conquering Europe by INVASION and the Citizens of these Country's Know this and it's Time they ALL started getting Seriously Brutal about it.
What kind of parents would use their children this way. I sure as hell wouldn't these garbage parents anywhere near me. What say you Biden Boy? What say you Kammy?
Martha A Loew > Capitalist MitchellMarch 23, 2021 at 7:49am
Obviously parents who should be tried for child abuse. We keep getting this nonsense about loving parents sending their children on this long trek so they can have a better life. What nonsense, these parents are Criminals. They are using it as a way so that they are immediately granted admission into the United States when they illegally come. Can you imagine a loving mother turning her young daughter over to a coyote, which they have to know have no morals, knowing they will be molested and/or raped on the trek to the border. Give me a break - there is no way to consider these parents as loving parents - they are as criminal as the coyotes. It is only in the Democrats twisted moral system that these could be considered loving parents!!!
The Border State's must take action to secure their Southern borders... Under Article 1, Section 10, Clause 4 every state may defend itself against invasion, against all forms of War. Under Article 4, Section 4 of the US Constitution the Federal Government is required to defend a States borders against invasion, as part of their Constitutional duty to secure the Republic. The Southern Border States are being invaded. MASS MIGRATION is an asymmetrical warfare tactic and tool, used by belligerent nations to engage a target State(s) whose superior military forces otherwise preclude an invasion. Thus, The Marxist states South of our Southern Border as sponsoring asymmetrical warfare against the United States using mass migration as their weapon.
Mass Migration is used by hostile governments to occupy and overwhelm a Nation's social services and economy... The State-sponsored ILLEGAL migration of Tens of Millions of indigent, unskilled, welfare-dependent migrants, and criminals constitutes an Act of War, and the State legislatures and Governors of those states being invaded need to mobilize the State's Police forces and National Guard to stop the invasion. They need to defend their borders until the Federal government DEMONSTRATES THEY WILL stop the invasion.
This crisis is not an immigration problem... under the sole jurisdiction of the Federal Government. This crisis is a breach of the State's soverignty, the result of an orchestrated invasion sponsored by the Marxist States, South of our Southern Border. It is an act of asymmetrical war.
Immigration is the lawful process by which foreigners apply to enter the US legally... Illegal Mass Migration sponsored by foreign states is an invasion, not immigration. The Constitution gives every state the right to defend itself from acts of war. See article 1, section 10, clause 4.
Improper Asylum Petitions and claims are not the fruit of illegal mass migration... The orchestrated illegal entry of tens of millions seeking to claim asylum under contrived conditions is an invasion, not the lawful exercise of our nation's or international asylum Law. State sponsors of such illegal agency are committing an act of war and our officials who support such acts of war are giving aid and comfort to our enemies and may well be committing TREASON.
HELLO AMERICA!! There is NOTHING about this being an Actual Humanitarian Aid Situation, this is just what it looks like ------AN INVASION!! This is an Orchestrated Invasion of the United States without Any soldiers with weapons in Military Transport Trucks, NO Tanks, NO Howitzer Artillery Cannons and NO Cavalry on horseback, these are going to be your New Welfare & Food Stamp cases with many taking whatever jobs there are to be found, these will be some of those who will be living 10 in a 2 bedroom apartment with Most of those apartments and houses recently vacated by American's who were Evicted for Failure to Pay Rent because their Jobs Disappeared with the Closing Down of America due to a so-called Pandemic which is Mostly the Seasonal Flu but with a Survival Rate nonetheless of 98.8% which is a LOT LESS than the number of people killed by Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers.
This COVID-19, remember that this is an acronym for "Certificate Of Vaccination I.D. 2020 with the '19' broken down this way: the number '1' stands for the first letter of the alphabet which is 'A' and the '9' being the ninth number of the alphabet which is 'I' is just a cryptic and insidious way of hiding the Too Obvious for Gates & Co. to be honest about because it let's the proverbial "Cat out of the Bag" stands for 'A.I' which itself in an abbreviation for ''Artificial Intelligence." So if the Luciferian Weasel Bill Gates & Co., the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), the U.N. (United Nations), the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum), N.I.H. (National Institute of Health) and Johns Hopkins etc, etc, were being Honest, which they Can't because it would expose this SCAMDEMIC/PLANNEDEMIC for what it Really is to Most people with an I.Q. of 100 or more is Really this ----- "Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification w/Artificial Intelligence" which is what is actually inside the so-called "Vaccine" which ISN'T a Vaccine at all and there is NO Medicinal Value in it whatsoever ---- IT IS A TRACKING DEVICE USING NANO-BOT TECHNOLOGY and this is Only the beginning, there Will be Many More Shot's to be taken and they WILL become MANDATORY. So now You have the Truth as to what this is All about and it has been planned for a Very Long Time.
As far as the Invaders? This has Also been planned a Long Time Ago. This is where the Borders of America and Mexico and America and Canada will eventually Not be used for Anything but to track the movement of EVERY INDIVIDUAL'S going and coming in and out of what Will be called the North American Union or the NAU based on the Already-Long-In-Place-Dictatorship that is the European Union or the E.U. We are supposed to have a New Currency called the Amero too but I think "'They"' have moved past that now and will just go totally digital with No More paper currency as they begin to phase in the Quantum Dot I.D. but I'm getting away from myself here.
SOooo, How do you like those tidbits of Factoids? America's Sovereignty is being dissolved incrementally and there is NOBODY going to do a Thing about it or We Would have at least 20 years ago after the "Inside Job" of 9-11 that was perpetrated by Israel and it's Mossad (They Set & Detonated the Explosives and other technology that Destroyed the Twin Towers), George W. Bush, Dick Cheney (who seized Control of NORAD), Donald Rumsfeld and their Dual-Citzen Israeli-'American' Terrorist Pals of PNAC (The Project for a New American Century) who Orchestrated the entire Operation, the CIA, the British MI5/MI6 and other's who intentionally Made 9-11 happen to begin the process of turning this Once Free America into a Police State..... which is Not actually the proper term now if you were able to see enough of the video footage of the "Terrorist Shooting" in Boulder, CO last Monday.... We No Longer have a Police Presence in America, We are a Military Occupied Country that is the designated Military Force of the New World Order. There had to be at least 500 Soldiers Not including the 'Police' in Full Armored Battlefield Preparation and included as many as 10 MRAP's (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles) that are basically Tanks without a Main Cannon but are ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL for being used on the streets of America's Cities but that was before the Other Illegal & UnConstitutional LAW that was Forced on Congress by then Vice-President Dick Cheney in Oct. of 2001 known as the "USA PATRIOT ACT" which is also a acronym for "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"...... Now that took a few people (TRAITORS) quite a while to put that word salad together don't you think?
Actually. It's an atack on our Country from the Goebbelists that just stole our country per Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of our Constituion.
That happens to be the law of the land. And as these stinkiung maggots that JUST STOLE THE ELECTION,COUNTRY AND FREEDOM FROM US.....................NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!! Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 ....For that reason alone we should withdraw our willing consent.
This nation of TRAINED sheep is allowing a Totalitarian Gov. to be installed. Now I know what they mean by,"Stupid Americans". Like,Too stupid to retain their freedom but instead aid in their tyrants rise. Don't get much dumber than that,does it?
As Far As The Covid 19 Corona Virus Part Of This Goes- I Believe That It Is Actually Sepsis Blood Infection That Is Actually Killing People. There Are Already At Least 270,000 People A Year That Die From Sepsis In The United States Alone (Every Year Before Covid 19)- It Is Recorded That 1 in Every 3 people That Die In A Hospital Actually Die From Sepsis. No Matter What The Original Reason For Being In The Hosptal Was..! More Lies and Deceptions That They Never Ever Tell Us Almost No One Knows Anything About Sepsis Infection Nor Have They Even Heard Of It... Sepsis Deaths Have Been Counted As Covid 19 Deaths To Make The Numbers Severely Higher..! Just Thought I Would Mention This Since I Found It Out Accidently While Reasearching..!
This facility appears to have thousands of individuals undergoing isolation... and some look to be dead. It raises the question as to the POSITIVE TESTING FOR COVID that is reported in this report.
Are the Border Patrol and INS failing to inform the US PUBLIC of a National Health Crisis on our Border... are we being inundated by COVID-positive illegal aliens unable to obtain care in their own country ... are now swarming to the US with the aid of our government? If so this must stop and the perps of such a policy indicted for several crimes... The immediate removal of the COVID Positive individuals from the US must occur, with deportation to Mexico the Nation of their arrival... let them sort out the mess.
Colonel, there is Only One solution for this Country's Righteous Patriot Nationalist People and it is the solution that should have been enacted decades ago: We Must Take Up Arms Against this Zionist/Communist infiltrated Congress and ALL Agencies of it's Federal Cabal before China itself marches into it, We Are Out of Time. There is No Other Way Out now especially with the Absolute assuredness that We will NEVER have another Free and Fair Election of Any type knowing that the Last Presidential Election was a Total FRAUD and the Will of the People Ignored and with a Hard Slap-in-the-Face with it. The Court's Especially the Supreme Court are With Our Enemy who is Actually In Charge of America because Joe Biden is NOT!! And Harris Not even worth a mention.
NOTHING but Divine Intervention will Save this Country and If Our Creator is expected to help, the axiom (the proper word?)of "God Helps those that Help Themselves" Must hold true because We have been doing Nothing but waiting for some mortal being to Take Charge and Save US and We can now see just how Well that has turned out.
America is Not the Titanic headed for the iceberg, We Are the Titanic that already hit it 2 hours and 20 minutes ago and there is just another 20 minutes left before it slips beneath the surface and Gone FOREVER!! We have waited Too Long and Don't even have a Military any longer on Our Side so there is Only We the People left. It would Only be with God's Divine Love and Help that We would have Any chance of Success and sadly I couldn't even take part in it from other than an almost stationary position because of my physical condition, but 20 years ago had I known then what I do now there would have been Nothing stopping me. To depend on today's youth? I guess I may as well wait for the door to come crashing in and meeting my maker very soon after because I'm Not one to delude myself with Old Hollywood Movie style thoughts of Audi Murphy covering the door, the back door, the East window and the West window and blasting those repelling to the roof from the Copter above....but I'll take a few with me that's for sure!!
Send ALL of them back in the Southern direction they came from. We have NO obligation to take in ANYBODY from Anywhere especially those from the shitholes of Their TURD WORLD Countries to further drag down and drown Our National Culture and Heritage.
The fastest way to End this would be a Armed Military/Militia/Citizen Patrols with Shoot-to-Kill-Orders with ALL Foreigners attempting to Enter past Any Checkpoint shot in the kneecaps ad if that Doesn't Stop them than a Few Head-Shots will. This is exactly what is needed to be done at the Boders of Southern Europe too with Armed Patrol Boats sinking ALL that refuse to turn bsck to Libya which is Mostly where they are coming from. Pick up NO Survivors and let them drown. This has Never been about a Humanitarian Mission and has ALWAYS been about Conquering Europe by INVASION and the Citizens of these Country's Know this and it's Time they ALL started getting Seriously Brutal about it.
What kind of parents would use their children this way. I sure as hell wouldn't these garbage parents anywhere near me. What say you Biden Boy? What say you Kammy?
Obviously parents who should be tried for child abuse. We keep getting this nonsense about loving parents sending their children on this long trek so they can have a better life. What nonsense, these parents are Criminals. They are using it as a way so that they are immediately granted admission into the United States when they illegally come. Can you imagine a loving mother turning her young daughter over to a coyote, which they have to know have no morals, knowing they will be molested and/or raped on the trek to the border. Give me a break - there is no way to consider these parents as loving parents - they are as criminal as the coyotes. It is only in the Democrats twisted moral system that these could be considered loving parents!!!