0 ADMIN Psaki Has PATHETIC Response to John Kerry Leaking Israel Info to Iran Posted by Admin Melony B. DeFord on April 26, 2021 at 4:10pm You need to be a member of Command Center to add comments! Join Command Center Email me when people reply – Follow
Watch Greg Gutfeld on Fox News every night if you want a laugh at pissakis expenses
The arogance of tyranny once again on disolay by the "Tolerant" party. ................I hate tyrants,do you?
psaki is a mere shadow of a GREAT press secretary like Kayleigh McAnany for SURE!
Cannot stand to watch her -- she does have an impossible job
being an idiot shill doesn't make it any easier!!!!!!!!!!
What do you expect from Paski ? She is nothing more then a professional BOT . She says what they trell her to say ,Truth Be Damn.
She fits right in with the incompetant Biden/Harris administration.
psaki is an idiot, just like the rest of the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!!!!!
John Kerry has broken the law so many times going behind the backs of the Trump administration talking to Iran yet nothing was done crooked DOJ America will never survive while some can break the law with no consequence
I don't trust the Obama administration period.