
  • You first Biden which we know will never happen. Best you sit down and shut up. We're tired of stupid.

  • I love my country, I love this Earth that God put me on, I love my fellow man and for the betterment of mankind I am a patriot, I am a US citizen born and raised in the United States of America I am a Conservative Republican and not a Democrat communist. The question is what are you.

  • Peoplle in Hell would like ice water.  Get a life, SloMoJoe.

  • This man Joe Biden has done more in the past 2 years to destroy what America stands for to destroy the American family than any president in the history of the United States and he wants to be forgiven he wants to compromise first she has to know what the word compromise means it means giving up something for the betterment of the people not the betterment of the party. I feel sorry for the people living in the eastern part of the United States they're heating bills this winter is going to be $2,500 more per month her family over what it was when Donald Trump was the president of the United States and he wants to compromise he can go f*** himself

    • Let me say this again this is Obama 3rd term in office and Joe Biden is a sick puppy can anyone see this? With that said the Devil is having a hay day with the election I just read the book of psalms this morning it says that God is afar off what's that telling us the verse is in psalms chapter 10 verse one

  • Trouble starting a fire... need instructions on how to properly ignite a flame under your neighbor's porch... call 1-900- fire now or for quick service dial 1 900 hot time.  We will rush you a pamphlet titled 'Fire for Dummies' and a starter package of safety matches... include your initials for the Delux set.

    For kids, be sure to ask for the free children's version of 'fire for fun'... We will include a free set of safety goggles and a fire retardant jumpsuit be sure to state the size required.... adult versions are available for an added fee.

    Be the first in your Black Lives Matter or ANTIFA group to earn your certificate 'Fire for Hier' and have a hot time in town tonight... Not responsible for burnt fingers, hair, or clothing... use with caution as the cordite accelerant in the advance fire starter is highly explosive.  Death may occur prematurely if directions are not followed.

    This is a spoof... for those who may have trouble separating sarcasm from bent comedy.   LOL

  • "Fuggedaboutit" - - there is NO "compromising" with these communist perverts; they "might agree" to what ever "we" have agreed to, but in the end - - they will turn it around and do it their own way anyway.  A compromise, with a democrat, is like trying to get a 2, or 3 yr-old to agree to do something specific and you know how well that works.

    • Exactly...and you can include the RINOs too.


    • that is a fact.

  • Piss on Biden.  Throw him into prison.

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