
  • Trump's fault!

  • rep omar would have a press conference where she would have exonerated the hijackers by saying , " some time some men do something"

  • So were the Japanese out for a fly over of Pearl Harbor. It was just a peaceful protest.

  • The leftist media would be out on the street, newspaper in hand wafting the flames, shutting off fire hydrants, tripping firemen that were racing to the scene, blocking fire truck accesses with their vans, tossing molotov cocktails at police, while the u.s. congress, lemon, cooper, cuono, tapper, ryan, wallace, romney, kasich and the other leftist lowlifes chanted allahu akbar on cnn, msdnc, cbs, abc, nbc..

  • They Would Have Called It A Peaceful Protest. & Don't Be So Islamophobic!

  • It would have been Trump's fault, as he co-conspired with the saudis. Russia was in on it, too.  He couldn't have done it without Putin behind him.

  • Just like te news media is ignoring NAIS.  (North American Insurgency Syndicate)   Makes BLM and Antifa look like babys..  Its comming.!

  • I don't think they'd report it at all... they'd be too busy covering Adam Shift-less' whistleblower and Hairgate. I don't think they'd be interested.

  • They would probably say that we deserved it for trying to police the world. Of course our policing the world has only been to PROTECT and HELP other countries.

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