
  • We don't watch the MSM but I'd bet this is their top story and NO coverage of the $Million Dollars to the Biden Crime  Family from CHINA.

  • It is interference with an election... if it can be proven that the Prosecutor targeted the candidate for prosecution and directed his office to find a crime to fit the man (candidate)...  and then prosecute.  Difficult to prove... 

    However, with this particular abuse of prosecutorial power, the proof of abuse is everywhere... one doesn't prosecute a crime that doesn't exist.. or a crime that is beyond the statute of limitations. 

    One doesn't manufacture a crime when one otherwise doesn't exist... or a crime that has been thoroughly examined and found not to be prosecutable by both federal and state prosecutors.... all finding no crime was committed.

    The prosecutor needs to be fired and disbarred.

  • It certainly seems loke both voter supporession and election interference to me.  And yes I think Speaker McCarthy should have it investigated.  This seems to me just another case of it is okay for the Marxist (formerly the Democrat Party) Party to do whatever they like; whenever they like.

  • Demonrat trash being demonrat trash is all I see. This was handled before and all they're looking for is a way to smear Trump. Bragg needs arrested for trying this trash.

    • Agreed, he should be in jail for corruption

  • The Globalists and USA Communists will do anything to keep Trump from being POTUS.

  • This is a communist way of controlling the country and the Democratic Party are just that a communist socialist party 

  • The Dems. Hope for supperssion.  I'm thinking that the arrest of Pres. Trump will cause the opposite effect. Will cause a major ground swell of support the likes of what has never been seen before!! This will come back and bite this wanna be prosecutor square in the butt!!! 

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