There is no doubt that our colleges and universities are being influenced by China and other nations around the world, Anyone with any doubts just look at the graduates coming out of these systems of education, Many are now serving in positions of influence inside and outside our government and many have not been educated but have been indoctrinated and have bought into the one world order philosiphy doing all they can to lead our nation down the path of Socialism and communism completely ignoring our Constitution and our freedoms, Their influence is showing up throughout our nation, Thus far our nations leaders have a blind eye to this influence mainly because many of them were educated(indoctrinated) in the same system.
Cameron Stapel > freddie allen robertsJanuary 18, 2023 at 11:13am
106 million to be exact and counting. We need to get foreign power and liberal control out of everything in our country.
the evidence is obvious!
There is no doubt that our colleges and universities are being influenced by China and other nations around the world, Anyone with any doubts just look at the graduates coming out of these systems of education, Many are now serving in positions of influence inside and outside our government and many have not been educated but have been indoctrinated and have bought into the one world order philosiphy doing all they can to lead our nation down the path of Socialism and communism completely ignoring our Constitution and our freedoms, Their influence is showing up throughout our nation, Thus far our nations leaders have a blind eye to this influence mainly because many of them were educated(indoctrinated) in the same system.
106 million to be exact and counting. We need to get foreign power and liberal control out of everything in our country.