
  • If EVERYTHING is racist then nothing is racist!!!!!!!!!!

  • Like all grifters, richard levine is full of bullshiite, just mouthing to cash in on the climate grift!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yes...they do.

  • I love how the libs think. Winter=cold=racism. Summer=hot=racism. Spring=rain=racism. Autumn=leaves falling & rain=racism. Interstate highways=racism. Beltways=racism. Recognizing people by race=racism. Ignoring race=racism. The rest of us just can't win against their logic, or should I say illogic. The Democrat party and it's lib supporters should be known as the Great Dividers as they spend every waking moment trying to divide us by race, class, religion, wealth and any other category that may come to mind. 

    • Everything except racial preferences applied to hiring, firing or acceptance to schools, etc., or DEI, is now racist. There we go. What is right is wrong, what is wrong is right. Upside down world.
      Merit lies in the street, being run over by those serving a lie.

  • TRUE! The weather knows black areas and hits them harder.......we all know this, all we have to do is drive through their neighborhoods and see the rubble, the garbage, the damaged properties,  all brought on by the weather!
    My house was never hit that often, or as hard, even when he tornado clipped the corner of my office building, it didn't Detroit it as badly as it would have if it was owned by blacks! Facts! Right?

    • ilona, what they are doing is accusing Almighty God of being a racist!!!!!  It will be interesting when they stand before the Great White Throne Judgment and they tell Jesus Christ what a terrible racist He is!!!!!!!!!!


    • Here in AZ if you wear a Black shirt outside it's definitely hotter than a White shirt. Racism?

  • Actually I believe that Rachel Levine has a disproportionate effect on the black community.  Of course the same thing can be said about all the de"mock"rats.  Hopefully the black community is waking up[ to it.

    • The left plays the race card to keep blacks on the plantation, beggin "massah" for more handouts!!!!!!!!!!


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