MSM,Twitter,Facebook are COLLUDING in our overthrow. PERIOD. Spare me the Orwellian excuses for why they aren't!!! ABOLISH GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED ED.!!
It could only happen in the US. Other countries stop talk like this before is gets started. This Country believes the MSM and that's why we have so much crap
going on.
Jeff Noncent > Keith WalterMarch 27, 2021 at 2:46pm
MCNBC only hires IDIOTS! Everyone knows that all minorities were better off and had more opportunity for upward mobility under President Trump.
The very people who are trying to do away with the protections our Constitution provides (Democrats) are the ones who are trying to end Democracy, not the Republicans. I guess they don't know tat Democracy means a government by the people: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Definition of VEST
a sleeveless garment for the upper body usually worn over a shirt; a protective usually sleeveless garment (such as a life preserver) that extends to…
MSM,Twitter,Facebook are COLLUDING in our overthrow. PERIOD. Spare me the Orwellian excuses for why they aren't!!! ABOLISH GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED ED.!!
What a bunch of idiots Black Americans were at their best under President Trump then any other President this included their God Obama.
they are idiots for a black man myself I feel the black people are not stepping up to change themselves.
It could only happen in the US. Other countries stop talk like this before is gets started. This Country believes the MSM and that's why we have so much crap
going on.
that's the fact.
Take a look at Convention of States. "We the Peopple" need this, and if you agree pass it on and share.
Convention of States Petition - COSAction
These broads are insane
Minus whatever Bull Schiff argument they want to give as an excuse for it. MSNBC are just plain treasonous.
MCNBC only hires IDIOTS! Everyone knows that all minorities were better off and had more opportunity for upward mobility under President Trump.
The very people who are trying to do away with the protections our Constitution provides (Democrats) are the ones who are trying to end Democracy, not the Republicans. I guess they don't know tat Democracy means a government by the people: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
These are lies to make Black People obey their Democrat Masters.