
  • thanks to the left, we don't have much law enforcement left. Funny how crime families stick together! 

  • "Should they defend the FBI?"  What the FBI needs is an ENEMA!! A thorough housecleaning from the top down; keep the good ones, if there are any and then rebuild.

  • A Jackass like his father and a complete Masshole!

    • No doubt!

  • So, we are wrong for not wanting to be lied to? So sorry! 

  • ROFLMAO.....while it's Demonrats criminalizing the FBI, and DOJ and defunding police. Another Mcgovern loser is all I see.

  • Hypocrites ALL

  • To be a Dem you have to pass a IQ test & if you test o you are definitely a Dem

  • The Radical Communist Democrats didn't have a problem attacking their political rivals with fake accuzations so now it's time to set the record straight

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