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  • They damn well should impeach Bernie Sanders for inciting the violence against Steve Scalise.  DO IT, DO IT, DO IT~!!!!!!   Rand Paul is absolutely right.  Someone should do it now!!!!

  • Wishful thinking the GOP will afraid of being pigeonholed as mean old bullies who are picking on a senior citizen.

  • Are they going to impeached Harris for telling the rioters to keep burning and destroying that she supported them wake up GOP in Congress 

  • Great analogy but wasted on the left. According to them, whatever they do/say is warranted. The left believes Whatever conservatives/President Trump do/say is worthless. 

  • Has everyone forgotten that the federal government has just been overthrown with a fraudulent and unconstitutional election? Nobody wants to face the fact that communists just overthrew the government. Wake up. The federal government is nothing more than a proxy government of China.

    What is Texas going to do about it? Reading between the lines I see “it’s done, move forward.” Texas… all hat and no cattle. Show me I’m wrong.

    The state legislature must pass a resolution stating their belief that the election was fraudulent and unconstitutional. Where Texas goes, other states will follow.

    It is the states that accept the obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional election that have seceded from the Union of constitutional states. They are the rebellion. The states that do not accept the fraudulent and unconstitutional election are the United States, as defined by the Constitution, which is the only definition of the United States.

    Is Texas going to lead the restoration of the United States? Or is Texas just another “all hat and no cattle” bunch of coward blowhards? The election was very obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional. What are you going to do about it? I just changed my voter registration to Libertarian.

  • Time to do some rat hunting

  • Senator Paul is correct. All these hateful crooks should be impeached if a compassionate man like Trump gets impeached, who obviously cares about America and Americans. Nothing will come of this hoax of an impeachment anyway. Trump already told us that his speech had been analyzed by everyone and they all agree it was a perfect speech. 

  • How about the ones who encouraged BLM and Antifa. People died. Telling their supporters to get in Republicans faces and disrupt them in restaurants. When are we going to have a party with some guts to destroy these dems like they do conservatives. Would have been nice if they had brought the Guard in during the riots to save lives and stop the burning of businesses. Hope there is a very special place these corrupt scum will end up

  • He might have been joking, but his words have the ring of truth.  However, I wouldn't have stopped at Booker and Sanders - I would have gone straight to Schumer and Pelosi.

  • Dr. Paul is correct - these people at DOJ and the FBI all escaped the penalty for their dastardly doings.  That is not fair!  

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