Yesterday, I published my #Festivus waste report, which highlighted $54 billion in truly outlandish waste in government. 
Remember this the next time they tell you there’s “nothing to cut.” 
I’ll give you some examples of it here: 
Researchers used federal funds from grants worth $1,327,781.72 to see if you’ll eat ground-up bugs. Read more here: 
The National Institutes of Health is spending $3,452,234.00 to test if social media messages will get moms to stop their adolescent daughters from using indoor tanning salons. Read more here: 
U.S. Agency for International Development is spending $37,500,000.00 to help deal with truant Filipino youth. Read more here: 
Researchers spent funds from National Science Foundation grants worth $1,557,083.00 to walk lizards on a treadmill. Read more here: 
Those are just a FEW of the worst. There are many many more. And of course Congress ADDED dozens more examples in just one hellish Bill this week. 
Here’s my full waste report again, and I’ll be back with a few more later.
and while you’re here, check out my speech on the senate floor this week against this 5593 page wasteful monster of a bill, an early, live #Festivus airing of grievances: 

Here's the full report:


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