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Sen. Rand Paul, himself a physician, offered a second opinion Monday on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s praise for New York’s novel coronavirus response.

The Kentucky Republican pointed to Johns Hopkins University data showing that New York, which saw COVID-19 cases peak in April, still leads the nation in deaths with 32,147, or 165 per 100,000 people, far more than the 4,804 deaths in Florida, or 22 per 100,000, and 3,889 in Texas, or 13 per 100,000.

“Paging Dr. Fauci! According to JHU, NY’s per capita death rate is more than 2X greater than Italy Spain & Britain & more than 8X worse than Florida & 10X worse than Texas,” tweeted Mr. Paul. “For you to say NY got it done correctly disregards the facts & calls your judgement into question.”

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