Rand Paul: The Fraud Happened - The Election Was Stolen

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  • Floks I wrote all the sentaors today and asked them to reject the Electoral College vote in January.  Senator Randy Paul thinks we didn't have foregin interference in the 2220 election.  He spoke about that in the Senators meeting and also today on FoxNews.  

    It was reported today that John Ratcliffe the Director of National Intelligence said there were foreign interference in the 2220 election by China, Iran, and Russia.

    Not sure why Paul is not talking to Ratcliffe?

    Please guys reach out to the House and the Senate to tell them your concerns.






  • This country desperately needs a set of procedural elections rules from the federal level.  It might well make voting a bit LESS easy, but that would likely be fine with most voters if the tradeoff gets them MORE elections security, and LESS opportunity for FRAUD and the resultant DISENFRANCHISEMENT.  And no, mail-in voting is NOT part of the answer... especially if autonomous mailout of blank ballots is in any way contemplated.  

    • Andy, the ideas have a post-election hindsite that is great! But it looks like the forward intention is that with total stabilization of all three government branches as "owned", we are not to ever see a virtuous election again in the near term. And in the far term, elections are intended to be dispensed with entirely. No autocrat cares to hear input from slaves.

      So.......... what Hilary said!

    • OK, you and I and Hilary can all pick up our ARs and march into DC... with 2 million other angry patriots???

  • It's not enough to say, we'll let you get away with this one and better not happen again. NO, not Good enough. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I don't care if the scotus is afraid of riots. You got them already. Wake up people. They are stealing the soul of America. Fight back!

  • The cheating and manipulation of this election season will reflect on the Democrat party. This will Reverberate and leave the Democrats with a weak minority for two-plus decades. Enabling the Republican party to flush out the RINOs and restore the constitution to the instrument of restraint on the government it was intended.

    • I'd love to believe this but, in truth, most American voters have very short memories and no matter what happens, they keep voting party lines and how their parents voted. With the continued progressive Democratic indoctrination of our students at all levels, I just can't see much hope of future successes for the Conservatives.  


  • Let's enforce the law NOW! They cannot get away with hijacking the most powerful office on the planet. It simply cannot be allowed to stand. There are a lot of people in other countries who hate us but there are also a lot who look to us as something to aspire to. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that this is a fraudulent election. Only an idiot would think that Biden came back from trailing behind hundreds of thousands of votes at 3 am to winning by 6 am. Only in battleground states where ballot dumps all occurred about the same time with between 83% and 92% of the ballots from the dumps going to Biden. Many with no down-ballot voting. Do these people think we are going to allow this to stand? I for one am not going to fade quietly into the background while a China-owned and operated puppet sells off my country and with it, my liberty. I don't care how ugly it needs to get, this needs to be stopped, there are no other chances. Not in 2024, not ever. If we don't stop this train wreck they will steal every election and do it blatantly with their middle fingers in our faces, like now.  Until they get the power they need to enact their agenda of globalization which can only happen if America is toppled. This election was George Soro's wet dream. 


    • Tina, I am just now in The Peoples Republic of California seeing business owners reacting violently to the prospect of being driven out of business and into poverty by the tyrant joker of a Governor. He uses the Lockdown club excused by the Covid-fraud. The choice in the Chief Executive can be even more far reaching but seem also more remote in daily life.

      I see the coming possible disaster with a fraudulent Presidential election resulting in total political disillusionment. If the People suffer this, they can choose to be victimized individually, or become collectively violent and rebellious. That is why we are armed, to act as a disuader for psychological warfare being waged on the society.

      But our attackers behind the scenes are international and have thought themselves fairly safe. It is important that we publicly identitfy them for their crimes against Humanity, and kill them. Yes, kill them, as an object lesson in what not to do to a Nation or the Human race, because you will be found out.

  • Rand Paul is as right as Trump is. The US is a pathetic banana republic that can't even organize fair elections. Where is Trump to make America great again as he did in his first term? We need him to stay on!!!!

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