Re-Elect Trump in November to save America


It goes without saying that the Tea Party, Republicans, Trump Train and all Conservatives must work flat out to re-elect President Donald Trump in November to save America and the Constitution.


This election will be the most important and critical moment in the course of the Republic's history.


The main threat to Trump is Voter Fraud, Harvest Balloting and the hostile MSM and Fake News as far as I can see.


The President's recent call to introduce Voter ID and outlaw Ballot Harvesting is the litmus test for democracy and free and fair elections in our country, we must remain ever alert and vigilant to the increasing threat posed by Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Anti American Squad's incessant war on our democratic principles and inalienable and constitutional rights


It is a testimony to President Trump and his family that he has stood up to the continous assault on his Presidency and character assassination from the Left from the day he took office, from the contrived Mueller Witch Hunt which lasted over two long and torturous years, the Stormy Daniels saga, the disgraceful, untrue and vicious Russian smears, and the failed and wicked attempt to impeach our President over Ukraine.


There is no level the Democrats and MSM won't stoop too, to paint our democratically elected, honourable and inspirational President as a racist who is abusing his power of office, a lie so monumentally disgusting and false it beggars belief, when you consider the outrageous and lawless eight years of the Illegitimate Obama Regime.


Now today, we have Democrat Governors like Whitmer and Cuomo who are cruelly using the Covid 19 Crisis to lockdown their States in a blatant attempt to hurt President Trump's re-election, and are engaged in wilfully playing party politics with people's lives, businesses and futures.


It is incumbent upon the Tea Party membership and every Conservative in the land to rally round President Trump in his hour of need, work diligently and ceaselessly, and use every tool at their disposal to get out the Republican vote in November to re-elect President Trump, win back the Congress, and hold the Senate.


Four More Years.

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