I am reminded of Obama's first tern... when, he announced he would create a CIVILIAN ARMY just as powerful and well funded as our Standing Military... using the Public Health System as its core. Is the call for 100,000 'Contact Tracers' the final push to create that Army of Socialists?  Will we now find civil resistance labeled as a public health crisis... Both a mental and physical health issue... Crazy gun owners labeled mentally ill,  an infected older population dying with COVID-19... even though there are treatments?

Could we be facing the beginning of a major purge to remove the Nationalists, Patriots, and those holding to conservative thought in America... Are the current events signaling the 'fundamental transformation' of our Nation?  Are we witnessing a leftist move to transform our Constitutional Republic into a Fascist State, and ultimately an international Communist State? Stranger things have happened in the history of mankind... Just ask Israel, how quickly the backslidden can find themselves in chains they never knew existed.

Did you know that the Affordable Care Act created a civilian Army? Remember when Obama wanted a "national security force?" Not the National Guard, but a civilian force, that has not sworn to uphold the Constitution? On July 2, 2008, Obama called for a police state, in a speech he gave in Colorado Springs, Co...  Do you remember what that army was to look like, according to Obama? Did it remind you of Hitlers Nazi Youth or Stalin's Red Pioneers?  Calls for 100K contact tracers is a front for fleshing out a new National Security Force under the direct control of the President... forming the basis for a Soviet-era KGB, GUB, or an Army of Commissars ... political officers, to control the actions of the US Military.

Obama's “national security force” will not operate under the control of the US Military?  The core words in Obama's speech of July 2, 2008, calling for a civilian national security force, one separate from our military follow: "... We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded..."  as our Military.  That statement is very informative and dangerous.  It is also the driving principle behind the new Public Health System established by the Affordable Care Atc. Now you know why Congress had to pass the ACA before they were allowed to read or debate it.

Well, folks get ready as we continue to hear calls for a 100K man army of "Contact Tracers"... who will become the legs of a civilian Army (National Security Force), funded and created to respond to a national pandemic?  Expect Martial Law to be imposed when we are told the current pandemic has returned... Only, this time we will be told it is a much more serious and mutated form of the original.  Anticipate our economy imploding, with massive riots following, and a national emergency declared along with martial law. This scenario is not impossible nor is it conspiratorial... It is based on historical fact, and the very real potential for radical elements in both Parties too use the crisis to disarm and eventually purge out those citizens opposed to 'The FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION' of our Constitutional Republic into a fascist or socialist state... on its way to full-blown Communism ... just as Nakita Khrushchev predicted some 65 years earlier.

https://www.amarillo.com/article/20121008/OPINION/310089744  (Nikita Khrushchev's famous quote predicting the USSR would bury us from within).



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  • China insisted on an amendment to the US/China Trade Agreement ... allowing them to avoid keeping their commitment to purchase US Goods if a PANDEMIC or Act of God created a natural disaster... in January of 2020... More evidence suggesting China deliberately used the COVID19 virus to attack the USA and the world economy.

  • Democrats ratchet up attacks on our economy ... by inflating COVID-19 cases and rates of infection.  We must remember that  Figures don't lie but liars figure...

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