
Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is finally opening up about his discussion with a top FBI official concerning the investigation into former President Donald Trump's potential ties to Russia.

In his first TV interview since leaving the Trump administration in May 2019, Rosenstein told FOX 5 that there was talk of recording the 45th president for the inquiry but denied that he ever intended to wear a "wire" during the turbulent days that followed Trump firing FBI Director James Comey in 2017 before the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel.

"I had a conversation with Andrew McCabe about an investigation that he was conducting involving the president. And there was a discussion about whether or not the president would be recorded in the course of that investigation. I never intended to wear a wire, and I think that if Mr. McCabe asked me to wear a wire, we would’ve had to reconsider the whole thing. Because you can’t run an investigation and serve as a witness," Rosenstein said in an episode of the Siege on Democracy podcast published last month.

McCabe, Comey's deputy who became acting FBI director for a couple months after the firing, made headlines in February 2019, when he corroborated reporting that claimed Rosenstein offered to wear a recording device while talking to other officials to tape Trump secretly.

That report, published by the New York Times in September 2018, also asserted that Rosenstein discussed Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove the president for being unfit. Rosenstein was asked during the interview whether he did indeed think Trump was unfit for office.

"Well, it depends on what you mean by the word 'fit,'" Rosenstein said. "There was a lot of talk about whether the president should have been removed under the 25th Amendment. I don’t believe that. I mean, I think the president was capable of doing the job. Doesn’t mean I agree with the way he did it."

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  • Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence

    There is plenty said about Rod Rosenstein from this whistleblower as well. It is a very long read and will discust you seeing how corrupt our government really is.

    Lin Wood Leaks Whistleblower Transcripts Exposing VP Pence
    Everyone has been waiting for more information from Lin Wood exposing Mike Pence and the voter fraud issue. Well, looks like we just got it. This man…
  • Rod Rosenstein : S-E-D-I-T-I-O-N-I-S-T 

    Scat-stained shame upon our federal government.

    Sadly, not the only one.


  • that's the government for you they are corrupt the Democrats and some Republicans are in the same boat.

  • Our government turned on us?........NO SHIT!!!!

  • Crook

  • Trump Simply had Far To Many Left Wing Leftovers mixed in with his cabinet, etc..!

  • The DOJ is full of Rosenstein types... pragmatists with little to no sense of loyalty and his duty to administer the government within the four corners of the US Constitution...  He fails to respect the Constitution as the supreme law and ultimate standard for conducting the business of governing... He views his place as the adjudicator of what is acceptable POLITICAL CONDUCT... and the Constitution as a hindrance when it doesn't meet the Rosenstein test... living under its restraints is 'verboten'... forbidden.  Rosenstein is one of many deep state leftists who was working to undermine the Trump Administration and quietly sought to have him removed from office.   He rightly saw Pres. Trump as a threat to the Deep State and the NWO.

    To this day the DOJ and FBI are full of unethical misfits who openly display contempt for our heritage and Constitution... they must be removed.  Like our Public Schools, the DOJ and FBI have been corrupted with Marxist operatives... either as dupes (unwitting pragmatists) or as activist socialists.  We must insist on purging such operatives from the government, as they are anti-constitutionalist by choice and political ideology.

    • I also thought and actually am certain that Rosenstein was a Deep State Worm..!

  • The courts and law enforcement are compromised and part of the deep state who fights Trump and therefore the US Constitution.

  • He never intended to wear a wire - oh yeah I really believe that (lol).  I mistrust anything the Democrats say.  Lying seems to be a badge of honor with them.

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