Red Wave? Democrats Forced to Abandon Key House Races

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With barely more than one month remaining until the midterm elections, the leading entities tasked with helping Democrats win and retain seats in the House of Representatives say they are running out of money and scrambling to decide which Democrats get the remaining cash available to try and dampen the expected red wave heading for Speaker Nancy Pelosi's gavel. 

Whining to The Washington Post, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) Executive Director Tim Persico said there "are places that I don’t know if we are going to be able to get to" in order to help Democrats. "We are just getting outspent everywhere, so it is just a question of how much can we withstand."

That makes the DCCC one of several groups WaPo said Friday morning were discovering they "lack the funds needed to fully contest all of their potentially winnable House races this cycle," leading to "tough decisions about where to spend on television ads" as Democrats get outspent by GOP groups.

"The relative shortfall in outside spending is likely to leave some Democratic incumbents in contested races at sharp advertising disadvantages, while restricting the party’s ability to compete in open seats or to unseat Republican incumbents," concluded The Post based on conversations with Dem groups.

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  • De"moc"rats are running out of money - give me a break they are the party that uses the most dark money groups (which in my opnion should be outlawed).  The money is not really ithe issue; their over the top anti-American ideas are!

  • Don't worry the Devil is all over the Democratic party 

  • DCCC says they're being outspent? All we hear from R candidates is how massive the funding is for D's.

  • What was the party of Jfk has been overrun by liberals. Learn to ID them for targeted removal. Most of the D party and a few Rs are in possession of a liberal mindset. If the recommendations made by a politician defy common sense or if they voted against Trumps initiatives it is safe to say that politician is a liberal. Vote them.out! 

  • Some rich ass I'll help them out....they always trow money at them!

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