Reorganize Federal law enforcement... place the FBI Director's Office under the Office of the President... Let the FBI Director respond directly to the President... similar to the relationship most Chiefs of Police have with a Cities Mayor and the State Police with their governors.  After all, the President is the Chief Law enforcement Officer of the GOvernment.  See Article 2, Section 3 of the US Constitution.  Let the director of the FBI Report to the President, not to the AG or US Attorneys.  The FBI should respond to the AG and US Attorneys as LEOs, referring all criminal conduct to the DOJ/AG for criminal prosecution... The President, not the  AG or a US Attorney, should COMMAND... direct... the FBI's overall focus in the enforcement of federal law.

The Director of the FBI is there to support the President's duty to "Take Care the laws be FAITHFULLY EXECUTED".  The President is to take care the law be enforced not the AG or US Attorney's they are HIS AGENTS in the task... they are not autonomous authorities... Their powers and authority derive from the President and HIS duty to take care the laws be faithfully executed.  The Presiden is the final auhtority in executing the law... not the AG or his assistants. 

The President may be able to REORGANIZE the FBI without Congress's approval as a Constitutional duty and function of his Office as President and chief executive officer of the administration.  Until then, let the President cycle thru as many Directors of the FBI as it takes to find a fair and competent Director... firing the others daily if necessary.

Place the US Marshalls Service and all the other federal police agencies under the Department of Home Land Security... Less the FBI... it stands alone as the LEO agency of the President. Create a 'Bureau of Federal Law Enforcement' with all LEO duties assigned to its Director.  Remove LEO responsibilities from the AG and DOJ... Let them prosecute referred criminal conduct and advocate for the administration and defense of domestic and foreign statutory law. The Director of the Federal LEO Bureau would report directly to the Sec. of Homeland Security for its daily supervision, with a direct line to the President for special investigations and operations.

We need to realign the duties and management of the AG's Office, FBI, and federal law enforcement in general... SEPARATING the PROSECUTORS (AG and US Attorneys) from the POLICING, investigation, arrest, and referral of criminal conduct for prosecution... The federal police powers and those of the AG/DOJ need to be clearly defined to separate policing powers, from prosecutorial power... The federal police and prosecutors each have a history of running illegal and rouge operations... due to the politicization of their offices and functions.

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  • Policing powers include (investigative powers, arrest authority, detention, etc...  For justice to occur these powers must not be politicized or used to coerce or deny others their civil rights.  Police investigate and refer alleged criminal conduct for prosecution.

    Prosecutorial powers include the power to refer alleged cases of criminal conduct for indictment and prosecution... Prosecutors who permit bias or political ideology to interfere in the fair administration of their powers must be removed and disbarred if we are to maintain a judicial system free from corruption.

    A well-functioning System of Justice is the fundamental result of well-executed policing and prosecutorial powers...

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