The fierce beast of the Left, the omnivorous viper of the Democrats, has been let loose. Every tyrant needs quislings. Unfortunately, there are appeasers even among Republicans. The 'useful idiots' of the Left are being eaten already; the appeasers will be next.
Those who demand grace from Trump supporters as we watch the nation stolen from us, deny the peril from a ravenous beast that will consume our freedoms and chain the American people.
The piranhas are already nibbling at Nancy Pelosi, who is suffering from whiplash from the hard, left turn she took when she was reinstalled as Speaker of the House two years ago. She made a deal with the devil—"the squad" — in order to win her position. The fate of all authoritarians, who fail to control their helpers, is to be eaten by their own. Even now, the radical-left members among the House Democrats are coming after her.
Because of their firm commitment to dismantling our economy and determination to impose every dangerous idea of the Left, what they thought would be a blue wave of Democrat victories from the presidency to the Senate and the House, and across free America, was defeated.
Congressional Democrats who survived the election, who have the temerity to condemn their own radical narrative as the cause of their dismal performance, have been castigated and threatened by the de facto leader of the Democrats, the radical Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC).
Republican appeasers, like the freedom-hating Lincoln Project, are aided by several members of Congress who fail to recognize the cliff that America is heading over. These modern Neville Chamberlain’s have not learned the lesson of history: once the tyrants are let loose, they will continue to consume everyone in their path, including former friends. Choosing to be silent, or lurking in hiding, is merely choosing to be eaten later. As Churchill noted, an appeaser keeps feeding the totalitarian monster, hoping to be eaten last.
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Better late than never doesn't apply to corruption overtaking politics... late is as good as never. If Trump didn't anticipate this false election with evidentiary backup then he either was too weak to drain the swamp or he had hopes it would drain itself. I'm betting Trump anticipated this outcome.
Trump knew and told us that 2016 was already rigged. Why did Trump not get a law similar to the Voting Rights Act like a Voting Fairness Act in the four years he was in office? What stopped him? This was an important thing to do and yet, today in 2020 we have the same or even worse rigged election than we had in 2016. Who is to blame for this travesty?
Battles are won with great leadership and greater planning... often before the engagement begins... I hate to inform you that there WAS AND IS NO WORKABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OR STRATEGY ... at least not a visible or discernable working plan. The fraudulent voting and ballot processing should have been stopped immediately... PLANS and briefs, backed with testimony and existing video evidence indicating fraud, should have been prepared well in advance, and made ready with minimal updates, to file for an emergency injunction with the SCOTUS to stop the ballot counting with the first evidence of actual fraud or violations of the laws regulating ballot certification... thus bypassing the lower courts.
The Chief Justice should have been briefed that MARTIAL LAW would be used to stop the ballot collections and to sequester all existing ballots in place... if the Court did not act quickly to PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY OF THE ELECTION. Pres Trump should have done just that. He should have moved in with prepositioned federal agents, seized all the ballots, voting machinery, and equipment, immediately upon the polls being closed and at the first incident of major election fraud being reported. He should have done it in every State that intel and witnesses testified by affidavit, would become a major problem. That did not happen. WHY? Was it deliberate? Was the President set up, told everything was ready, when it was not? Heads should roll... and if a criminal conspiracy to rig an election is indicated ... indictments made.
The President had to be aware that mail-in ballots were mailed to the dead, and other unqualified registered voters (or he should have been informed)... that more ballots than voters had been sent out indicating serious issues existed that would compromise the integrity of the election... and that to preserve the integrity of the election the federal government may need to sequester millions of ballots until they could be properly certified and counted.
It appears that piss poor planning has resulted in piss poor performance... The question now is how to correct it... certainly, not with more bad counsel and poorly devised legal theory. How about martial law before all of the evidence of fraud is destroyed or the unlawful records are corrected... just maybe the government needs to seize the potential evidence before it disappears or is rendered useless.... just maybe.
I have tried to tell people for over a DECADE, that the first to go when the enemy wins, are those who were their complicit handmaidens.
nd every other dictator has done that and today's usefull idiots won't fare any better
This is how you stop them. You use the law to bankrupt their agenda and then you use the money to fight them..
My money has been on Trump and continues to be on Trump. He is a winner. So are we, and we the people are not sick of winning yet.
There is one thing I don't understand. Trump knew that there was massive voter fraud in 2016. He talked about it on many occasions. Why didn't he do anything in the four years he was in office? Why did he not ensure state oversight with a law like the the Voting Rights Act of 1965? If he had tackled this massive fraud, we would not have a repeat of the fraud in 2020 and we would have the 70-80 or even 90% support that we know Trump enjoys among Americans.
I will never surrender to the Marxist mob. I spent 13 years under Communist rule and I will NEVER live that way again. I will fight as long as I live to be free and will continue to follow the Constitution as our forefathers wanted us to. God bless Trump! Best President in my 80 years!