
  • If this is true... stop all aid and withdraw any support we have provided and let Ukraine know they are on their own... We should have never interfered.. this is and was an internal civil war.  It has become the fulcrum for teh World Economic Forum (WEF) to demand a GREAT RESET and a new world order...  America needs to back off and push for a negotiated peaceful resolution with  Russia and the Ukraine. 

    This entire fiasco is part of the WEF's move to generate a Global Reset ...and a new world order by creating a Global Crisis so large that a global government and economy can be forced on America and the world.  When considering the coming events in China and N. Korea, as they expand their caustic influence in the Pacific, the world will face WW-3 or a New World Order.  A new hegemony of power capable of restraining global suicide  The Iranian, Ukraine, and Taiwan crises are not accidental and their timing is deliberate.

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