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  • At the present time, I can't think of any government department that should not be uprooted.  What Project 2025 would more than likely do, is to return the country to the path the founders intended.  But of course this ugly Marxist would be against that!

  • Defund the entire govt they are all either corrupt or just talking heads that do not follow thru

  • Oh God Please. How many ABC Agencies could we get rid of and the only thing average Joe tax payer would miss would be the payrolls going to them?? 


  • Exactly what must happen. Kangaroo courts, agencies, usurping land and rights and instead they are treating our Rights and Liberties as "Mother-May-I" privileges, to be removed by their will. Jack Phillips is undergoing his third prosecution for being a Christian and owning his own business. First, the state, then the "high" court, then the state. He used that one word that we are not allowed to say anymore. 

    The word, "NO."

    • Then, rebuild upon our founding documents, both of them. 

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