Chip Roy Profile pictureChip Roy
The @HouseGOP promised to secure the border & to cut funding to Biden’s radical progressive Democrat agenda... this week, gov’t funding partially expires. WHAT’S THE STATUS? Short Answer: NO PLAN TO FIGHT. Here’s the longer form status update: (1/x)
…After passing 3 “continuing resolutions” (CR) for 5 mos. at Pelosi funding levels w/ promises to “fight,” an NDAA w/ token “DEI” policy wins & an extension of FISA spying-on-Americans, & no real border security wins, GOP leaders are poised to… INCREASE spending… (2/x) 
…& likely fund Ukraine’s border…

This despite a year of hard-fought negotiating that gave us spending caps IN LAW we can enact simply with a CR thru 9/30 to cut total spending, leave defense & veterans untouched, & cut 10% ($73BB) of Biden’s non-defense bureaucracy… (3/x) 
…But the current “plan” is to pass GOP-negotiated funding bills we haven’t seen yet (they say we’ll “have 72 hrs. to review”) that will give $30BB MORE than Pelosi’s FY23 omnibus to Biden & progressive Dems by embracing spending “side deals” that are NOT even in law… (4/x) 
…thus publicly taking shutdown off the table (i.e. no leverage).

Worse, we are told that because there is war in Ukraine & China is dangerous, a CR that doesn’t “increase” defense spending “doesn’t meet the moment.” That’s why they aren’t leveraging spending caps in law! (5/x) 
…We are told “we can’t risk shutdown,” but must eat HIGHER spending than Pelosi & temper expectations on so-called policy riders (sight unseen) to only “singles & doubles” (not “homeruns”), which means no real wins on, e.g., border policies to end releases, student loans… (6/x) 
…transgender surgeries, climate/EV mandates, DOJ & Jack Smith or FACE Act prosecutions, reforms to COVID tyranny, and more… which tracks because the @HouseGOP told Senate Dems in January there was a “deal” for HIGHER spending with no policies locked in… (7/x) 
…& we are told there is no alternative that can get 218 GOP votes. Yet, I’ve not seen an official “whip” (vote count) on any possible alternative packages that we could try to get 218 – despite having successfully done so multiple times last year, and… (8/x) 
… it is notable that the current “deal” will fall way short of 218 Republicans, & like every other significant bill passed in recent months, will likely pass with MORE Democrat votes than GOP, & very well might end up with less than even a majority of GOP supporting… (9/x) 
We are told leadership has been robbed of leverage on policy negotiations because we have failed to pass all GOP rules… ignoring the fact that leverage is actually lost WHEN YOU DEMONSTRATE NO INTENT TO USE IT… (10/x) 
…like the Speaker’s own admission “we can’t risk a shutdown,” & “flat defense spending does not meet the moment.” (11/x) 
Beyond capitulation on spending & most policies in the bills, there's no mention of a plan to:
-secure the border
-truly reform FISA (ie, clarity on warrants/other protections in a future bill)
-hold line on Ukraine either entirely or at minimum until the border is secure (12/x) 
Bottom line: Republicans are putting out the same tired excuses that we’ve been telling our voters for decades.

We can't let the swamp dictate the terms.

If we want to achieve something different, we have to do something different.

Pick a fight and win it. /End 

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  • Let Johnson introduce a House Resoluiton declaring an INVASION AND WAR exists on our Southern Border...

    That single act would give the several states confirmation of their Constitutional authority to defend their borders against invasion. 

    See:  Article 1, Section 10, Clause 4, and Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 Of the US Constitution.

  • I was skeptical of JOHNSON to begin with, We need a  serious person in that position one that doesnt mind fighting it out when its time to fight, What we DONT NEED IS IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ELECTION IS TO START THE CRY TO REPLACE YET ANOTHER SPEAKER, Our concentration now should be focused on taking back the HOUSE AND SENATE AND THE OVAL OFFICE AND THEN REPLACING THE SPINLESS WE PRESENTLY HAVE IN LEADERSHIP ROLLS. UNLIKE DEMOCRATS, REPUBLICANS HAVE A LEADERSHIP PROBLEM AND THEY HAVE TO PROVE TO THE AMERICAN VOTERS THAT THEY CAN LEAD, WE arel aware at least those of us that are paying attention, DEMOCRATS are all on the same page and are sticking together, They are wrong on all the issues but they are at least wrong together something REPUBLICANS ARE NOT.  All our elected officials have phone numbers and most have  WEB SITES if you dont like what they are doing then you should contact them and let them know your displeasure, We the voters have to take some responsibility as well, SILENCE IS NOT ALWAYS GOLDEN IT CAN BE  A DISASTER Our elected officials need to be reminded we put them in office and we can take them out, We cant stay silent any longer.

    • BS...

      Leadership is the key to a successful operation... the Speaker must be bold and forthright... he must not negotiate away his caucus's strengths... he must be quick enough to run circles around the opposition...

      The House and more importantly the people need to know... that they have a capable Speaker, not someone prone to compromise... We don't compromise on principles And more importantly, we don't lie, obfuscate, or color the Truth to gain temporary favor ... only to be exposed as disengenuous later.

      Johnson has not been forthright with the people... and has been found on the wrong side of legislation and policy once too often... remove him and put Pres. Trump n as Speaker.

    • The problem is that the gop establishment is paying lip service to their voters while standing with the devildemocommiecrats!!!!!  There are a very few good republicans but most have sold their souls to satan for wealth, power, and influence now!!!!!!!!!!

  • Of course they will, that is how the deep state works and the gop establishment, now headed by mike johnson will bow to their globalist masters!!!!!  I was skeptical of him from the start but hoped he would prove to be a strong and courageous conservative!!!!!  He has disappointed me continually, proving he is just another lying establishment hack like boehner , ryan, and mccarthy were!!!!!  The last good gop leader in the House was Newt Gingrich and they got rid of him because he wouldn't bow to the deep state!!!!!!!!!!

  • Speaker Johnson will have to show whether he is indeed totally loyal to President Donald Trump, the US Constitution, and to America. I believe that he is loyal and won't yield to treason. If he is not, he needs to be deposed immediately. 

    • What has johnson done to show he is a conservative?  all I have seen from him is more bowing to the deep state agenda!!!!!!  He talks a good game but when the rubber meets the road he bails on us!!!!!!!!!!


    • He is new and needs time. The time is now. Don't forget that MTG voted with him and she is definitely a true conservative. 

    • BS...

      He took the job now do it or save us all the problem of removing him... he can resign and let someone like TRUMP be the speaker for the remainder of this Congress.


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