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  • The number one issue prevalent in DC is personal greed.

  • It is true, courage is the missing link for decades! 

  • Satan infiltrated our government and culture and at all levels, saying,"Surely, God has not said,..." And people willingly—spiritually, politically, emotionally—created their own world-views of 'yes, white man bad, bad, bad, bad. Black angry man good, good, good. Liberal angry man woman good, very good. Orange Man Bad. Woman=Man very very good.' And the courts (jesters) and
    poly-ticians said, Hooray. 

    With blinders on—People willingly threw off the very things that America was built upon: a Christian foundation, a Biblical World View, a Puritan Work Ethic, and Moral Responsibility to love and serve America and to serve others as neighbors and friends. Our culture was one of love of learning. If my Grandpa taught himself electricity, calculus, geology and more, and wired the coal mines of WV with only a 2nd-grade 'formal' education, then that is evidence of love of learning, and I would never, ever, say he was the only one. That's how it was then. People were all self-made. 

    People way back when—fought to learn, fought to live, fought to fight. fought to eat. The Revolutionary war and two World Wars proved that spirit of American sacrifice. Our first flag proved it. Ond died and the next was there to hold that flag up, until he was shot. Again. Again. Each man went bravely to his death in order to hold that flag up in the sight of the British Navy.

    Iwo Jima proved that spirit of American sacrifice.  911 firefighters proved it. Afghanistan proved one thing—and that was how low we could be brought down, to our utter humiliation. And then recently, the utter degradation by Waltz of stolen Honor. In our faces. Spitting like a snake. And scotus, with actual fools on the "high" court. Protecting transgender ideology from hell. Satan's dream.

    God has blessed this country and her earlier builders by gifting them with inventions that blessed people everywhere around the world. And now we wastefully ship and leave our advanced technology for any tyrant to take, steal and reconstruct what we have built to protect us and our beloved nation.

    Fast forward—POTUS and VPOTUS and MAGA 
    The parallels between Trump and Washington are prophetic. Just like the shot that was heard around the world from Butler County, PA. aimed to hit our 47th 'POTUS—our 1st POTUS was shot at a total of 3 times but was never hit. Three horses were shot out from under him but he was not touched. The Native American Leader said, "Stop. This man is protected by his God." —Just like the shot at Trump gave rise to the phrase 'Divine Providence protected him,' went like a shot heard around the world; heard, spoken and witnessed in every nation. Just five miles from where Trump was shot at, stands an 1753 historic marker, on 'Washington's Trail'—that is the monument to Geo. Washington's shot/s heard around the world.

    And with Vance, Vance was born in Butler Township, OH, while Trump was shot at in Butler, PA. Concidence, of course.


    Fast forward, Jan.20, 2025. I believe there will soon be shock waves of arrests, convictions, treason charges, espionage charges, pedo charges and also, the finding and saving of the remaining children and babies, and the exposure of tunnels worldwide—and it shall be like electric voltage shooting throughout this nation and other nations. Epstein and Diddy were the opening of the 'show' called 'Full Exposure.' And the full exposure of the military deep-state medical machinery complex, and all that that means. And agency after agency...shall continue to be brought down until the rot has been brought to light. And when it is fully realized that nano has DNA in it, that shall be a shot also. That knowledge is very recent.  Watch the advertising campaigns begin to promote that same self-assembling nano that reacts to 5G and that moves into capillaries, resulting in, "Died Suddenly heart attacks"—watch it be advertised as GREAT, healing, saves teeth, blah, blah.  BUT.  It.  Has.  DNA.  DNA.  DNA.  In.  it.  (WHAT KIND OF DNA?)  
    Get on Substact and find the doctors. Nano is being added to my organic Tom's toothpaste. They sent me the advertising HOOPLA about the upcoming great NANO!!
    I sent them proof yesterday of the DNA. I also told them I am done with them. 

    Back to—I believe that—then—blinders will come off and people will see again. The identification of corruption and pure evil on all 7 mountains of culture shall ultimately serve justice as the "Shock and Awe" medicine that we desperately need.

    Judgement begins in the House of the Lord. The cultural mountain of the Church. That exposure has begun.

    Pastor Mike Bickel, leader of the large International Prayer Movement—multiple (10-20) signed Affidavits by multiple female parishoners, stands accused of sexual abuse,
    Hillsong's Global Co-Founder and Pastor Carl Lentz, also stands accused of inappropriate behavior towards two women. He has resigned.
    And now, (tv) Daystar's Joni Lamb and her family's secret of hidden child sexual abuse, has come to light. The female child suffered, but the family's reputation was clean. No more. 

    Judgement comes to the House of the Lord first. Then to the other 7 mountains, one by one, two by two, or three by three. Or more.
    So, for America to turn, let the onslaught of information, arrests, shock and awe, let it begin. Leave no stone unturned. Let it come hard and fast. Pray it is brutal, continuing and complete.
    Brutally—so there is no turning away for more pleasant things. it will be medicine for us. All of us. And the rest of the world. 

    And at that moment, this nation shall turn in a day—blinders obliterated. There will be a moment, I believe. Prepared for us from Heaven. There are too many signs for it not to be so.

    Our national Identity shall be returned to us. Our foundations and morality our world views, our leadership, our identity as Evangelist to the Nations. Mayflower Compact.
    Somehow, that is what I believe God is doing and He will complete what He has begun. Just sayin' what I believe.

    • 🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • Thank you. Some of us understand what hope means. God is not dead, nor has He quit on us. WE rise triumphant finally as the salt and the light. Amen.

    • 9th🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • Jea9

      Properly functioning Capitalism requires a moral people… just as our Government requires a moral people to operate properly. Is the government in America functioning as it was intended? Why not? The moral compass that once directed our ship of state and sat at the head of commerce has been lost.

      A moral people must be guided… by a set of tenants and percepts outside of their own nature; as man’s inhumanity toward man has clearly demonstrated there is no good or moral nature to be found within the man who acts alone. The ‘God of Creation’ and the Judeo/Christian ethic is the moral compass our forefathers chose and the one we need to follow in government and business. It is the Creator that bestows the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It follows, that God’s order (Word/Law) are necessary to the orderly maintenance of these rights.

      When people deny the Creator’s Law… and reject His guidance, they abandon the Truth and suffer the ills of their own making. Whether, their abandon be manifested in economic, political, or cultural decay; the sums of their calamity matters little, as the end result is the loss of their liberty. Today, we see the result of a long and deteriorating relationship between God and America.

      Can our Nation retain its founding principals without its Creator… It is not only the government that has strayed… It is the people themselves, and the damage is not only visible in government, but in our homes and CORPORATE BOARD ROOMS of America.

      America must return to the standards of equity… and the balance that God demands in commerce. God’s precepts of equity and justice must once again be the rule for engaging others in commerce and government… In the home and at work… In our schools and organizations… America must return to Natures Creator if she desires fruit from the Tree of Liberty.

      Capitalism and Democracy are empty shells… which must be filled with the right measure of moral order and purpose, to be the instruments of righteousness, and a blessing to the people. Without God at the helm, Capitalism and Democracy soon become shipwrecked in a sea of despair and hopelessness. Where is God in our government and Corporate Board Rooms today? Does God sit in a seat of honor, as Lord, or has Mammon, the love of wealth and power, become lord in America?

      There is no such thing as the separation of Church (God) and State… One's government and religion are reflections of their faith… What they believe. What image does America reflect in its culture, commerce, and government? Is it the God of Creation? Can America separate God from its government and the engines of her commerce, and still claim to be Christian (God-like, Christ-like)?

      Board rooms and businesses that use an unjust scale or weight… to conduct their commerce, don’t fool God… Equity is not blind nor is a just contract or balance derived by taking undue advantage of others. Godly capitalism EARNS reasonable profits based on value-added… not by the use of one's position, leverage, or raw power to exploit others.

      A Godly people understand… what I’m speaking about. However, the ungodly will never understand that they are ‘their brother's keeper’. They consider windfalls and the exploitation of others justified as the tools of a free market. They don’t see them as an unjust scale or weight.

      God doesn’t support slothfulness in labor… nor is he pleased when the Ox is muzzled. Labor and Capital must find an equitable arrangement where a just reward is earned by each… through an equitable exchange… just weights and measures. When Godly commerce is conducted, both parties are satisfied. This form of Capitalism results in prosperity for all.

      A Capital market… that allows products manufactured at 2 dollars an hour to be marketed where labor costs are 8 times greater is a textbook example of the manipulation and exploitation of markets… geared to achieve an unjust return on investment. Profits earned under these market conditions are not earned through value-added… or a just weight. They are earned through the exploitation of unequal markets and are the tools of GREED and AVARICE. So, are many of the Free Market Treaties and agreements found in the world today.

      It is hypocrisy for the capitalist to point at the socialist… to accuse him of robbery; when he is engaged in the very same act, but by another means. What difference is there between robbing the wage of the poor and unjustly taking the wealth of the rich? Both are WRONG and ungodly acts.

      There can be no moral rationalization or argument that justifies slave wages… Capital that earns an exorbitant profit from labor, through market position, uses a form of unequal balances and weights in there commerce. God is not pleased and the end result is a corrupt system of commerce for all.

      The markets in America are no longer open or free… consumers, small business, and new enterprises are forced to compete with immoral business practices that exploit wages and the unregulated marketplaces of the third world. The unethical businessman takes advantage of market forces to achieve a market share that is unjustly earned. This makes it difficult for small businesses and labor to obtain an equitable share in the market or just wages. At one time, such market exploitation was corrected through trade laws… and the use of tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports. These were the champions of small business and labor… engaging a JUST BALANCE in commerce.

      Tariffs, duties, and restrictions on imports are not immoral or anti-trade… they seek to keep commerce on a moral keel. They deny those who would seek to exploit labor and manipulate world markets unregulated access to US Markets. In fact, tariffs, duties, and import restrictions are Constitutional powers permitted to the Federal government… for the regulation of commerce. It is time to reinstate these provisions, to implement there use, wherever the exploitation of unequal markets is used to gain unfair advantages in the US Market.

      These practices were considered both moral and necessary… for the regulation of commerce by our founding fathers. Tariffs, import duties, and restrictions need to be imposed once again; as safeguards against the exploitation of markets, and the destruction of American small businesses, and labor… Period

      By: Ronald A. Nelson; COL. US Army (ret.)

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    • Col., I hear the sound of the abundance of rain. Do you?

    • There is nothing new under the Son... at their core, all things remain the same...  the sun rises in the East, only to chase the darkness of mankind's wicked heart... The Prophets cry and Christ is glorified... The world suffers without her King on His throne.  All is not right, not close, as the scales of time weigh the hearts of man... death stalks the innocent, in their mother's womb, and the plowshares of peace turn to flames and rain down upon the heads of man ... the fire of retribution burns brightly in the lamp of the poor.

      Yeah, a great wave rises in the midst of the seas... nation rales against nation, as mankind turns his hand against his brother, and God's Son, Jesus Christ. Soon and sooner than one thinks, the Son of Man shall appear.... in the Eastern sky He shall come, with clouds of glory He shall appear to catch away His Bride before the wicked can harm her... Great is the Tribulation of that day, but greater is the gift of God for those who love Him... and with the voice of an Archangel, and the sound of the Trumpet. we shall all be changed, this mortal must put off mortality and put on immortality... in the twinkling of an eye, we shall all be changed.

      Rejoice, ye children of the King... for He hath not forgotten thee... neither shall He leave thee without hope, to reap the wage of sin. For our God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent of His Promises... His covenants are forever. Prepare ye the way of the Lord... for He Comes ... Amen.

      Rejoice, ye children of the King.... for He hath not forgotten thee... neither shall He leave thee without hope, to reap the wage of sin. For our God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He should repent of His Promises... His covenants are forever.   Prepare ye the way of the Lord... for He Comes ... Amen. 

    • 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Let it be so.

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