
  • Defund all unconstitutional agencies. Pink slip all Magistrates pretending to be Judges. Gitmo all military leaders who forced the jaxx. Bingo, problem solved.

    • Sounds good to me... and if the Democrats object, offer even greater demands to DEFUND government...  Don't blink on the new offer... Let the government shut down all of its non-essential services (no continuing resolution) and if the Democrats continue to refuse the House's budget let the House attach an amendment to the vetoed bill that removes ALL funding for NONESSENTIAL SERVICES' Attach the Amendment to the vetoed bill, send it to the US Senate, adjourn the House, and go home until the Dem's agree to the amended bill.  Don't blink on any offers... hold fast to major reductions in spending and no new taxes.

    • Wonder why they can't figure out that one—just say No and Damn NO

    • Oh, they have figured it out... they may have other motives in mind...The GOP/RNC appears to be more sympathetic to the Globalists and the WEF than their base or our dollar and economy.  Just maybe they want our dollar to collapse and our economy to go 3rd world.

  • Not worth the time to hear anything coming out of his mouth.

    • They must assume people don't see through their BS!

  • ....because the "extreme Maga republicans" caused this problem!

  • America doesn't need to default on its debt.. it can cut and reduce the size of government in order to ensure current revenues are capable of paying our debts and operating our current government.  Freeze all hiring, terminate all temporary civil service employees, and release all civil service employees with less than 90 days of service.  Cut at least 10% of all but defense line items in the current budget.  Stop all aid to illegal aliens... and end all foreign aid to nations with a history of anti-American rhetoric and actions.

    Cut spending... reduce the size of government... Do not default on our debt.

  • Should have thought of that possibly before you let the greedy corrupt demoncrats in the govt

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    • Arnold... there is a way out.  Below are a few things we can do.

      However, it will take- massive cuts in the Federal Government... eliminating entire Departments, like the department of education, Department of Homeland Defense (we have the Defense Department), Department of Health and Human Services, reduce it to an agency under the Department of Labor, Department of Emerge, make it an agency under the Department of Interior, Department of Justice make it a bureau under and teh AG under the Office of President. The President is the Chief Constitutional law enforcement officer.

      Place all federal law enforcement under the US Marshals Office except the Secret Service...  Place the US Marshals Service under the office of the President and detail it to the AG's office for daily ops.  Consolidate all intelligence agencies and services under the NSA, and reduce them to offices.  Place the FBI under the Office of the President, and detail it to the Attorney General's Office... for daily operational supervision.  There are many, many more realignments and CUTS in personnel, Departments, agencies, bureaus, and offices of the Federal Government that can save billions.

      The federal government needs to be about 1/3 the size it is today... a reduction in the size of government should be orchestrated over the next 5yrs... Any Department, agency, or office that is not specifically authorized by the US Constitution needs to go... or if essential the constitution needs to be amended to authorize it.

      We must also get rid of the current REGULATORY PROCESS... Congress must be the only Constitutional authority for issuing law and any necessary regulation required to enforce the law.  Congress must directly approve all regulations with an act of Congress.... not simply annotated in the Congressional registry and approved in bulk by a voice vote on the floor of each house.  All courts not specifically created by Congress under the Jurisdiction for Federal Courts as contained in Article 3 of the Constitution must be terminated...  No magistrate courts, no courts of administrative law, no tax courts, No article 1 Courts, or administrative immigration courts.

      Immigration must be lawful and anyone entering the US illegally must IMMEDIATELY BE DEPORTED... end asylum requests at entry... let those seeking asylum apply with the nearest US embassy or Counsel.  No more refugee status in the USA... refugees need to be helped in their own country or nearest neighbor... facilitating repatriation upon the termination of the emergency creating the refugee problem No more coddling illlegal immigration.  States that refuse the repatriation of their citizens must be treated as belligerents.  Our US embassy closed, all foreign relations and trade terminated, and the aliens in question returned by the most expedient means .. including airdrop.

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