Hilarious Meme Reveals ONE Thing We Need To Stop Saying To Dems

Many on the left and their willing accomplices in the media would tell you otherwise, yet a cursory examination of our nation’s factual history and records proves the riots and chaos that have swept across our country in recent months stand as a devastating reminder of the racist policies and values held by the Democratic Party throughout much of its history.

Because of this, I introduced a privileged resolution in the House calling upon Congress to acknowledge the indecorous history of the Democratic Party. I asked that the Speaker of the House be instructed to ban any political organization or political party that ever publicly supported slavery or the Confederate States of America.

Since George Floyd’s tragic killing on May 25, the left which includes their “mainstream” Democrats, have resurrected their push to rid our nation of any entities, symbols, or reminders of the repugnant aspects of America’s past. Statues of American leaders have been torn down, defaced, and destroyed regardless of whether they were a party to improprieties or fought against them. The liberal mob is out in full force demanding that schools, sports teams, music artists, military installations, and even food products change their names if they have the slightest reference to any persons or events deemed unacceptable and offensive to the groupthink of the Marxist left.

Democrats argue that they are compelled to take these extreme actions because of “systemic racism” in America, all while conveniently pinning blame on Republicans and conservatives. This revisionist history tells a story that simply has no basis in historical fact. Their efforts are a veiled attempt to erase the Democratic Party’s own culpability, which for decades, if not centuries, was the ardent political advocate for discrimination and racism in our nation.

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  • Excellent move and use of parliamentarian rules... however, I doubt Pelosi will follow the rules and require the vote... she will not schedule the resolution for a vote or may not permit it to be introduced.... even though the rules require both.  Communists have no rules... "...what rules, we make them up as they go..." Quote from Alcee Hastings,  Democrat Member fo the House Rules Committee.

  • let me say this slavery did not start when black people came to the United state, slavery is in the old testament  the children of Israel were slave to the Egyptian, yes the Jews were slave to the Egyptian it's in the Bible that's the reason why I believe the black people are there own worse enemy because they let the Democrats rule over there lives insted letting God to rule over them. It's another topic for another day.

  • It's about time someone with enough internal fortitude called the Demoncrats out for who they are. Now, if the rest of us will stand beside him, our country might have a chance!!  BRAVO!!

    • I agree


  • the Democrats voted God out of their party back in the 2012 election and that's why they are confused, delusional. and beyond.


    • Louie Gohmert just proved my thesis that steading history is the most history is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!!!!

  • They lost the civil war and the right to own slaves and have tried ever sense to enslave them all over again. they found a new plantation to put them on.

  • First off, that picture almost makes me puke. The "new" 5 stooges! The voters need to be educated continuously that democrats are responsible for Slavery, Jim crowe laws, KKK, lynchings of blacks, and anything relating to anti-blacks. Ùnless President Trump removes these mayors either by arrest or force then these democratic controlled cities will NEVER return to a friendly and safe place to live. God help us all unless President Trump takes control.

  • Yes, but how, when they not only have a foothold, it's a stranglehold. Evil people are crafty and sneaky and are satan's minions. They get it straight from him.

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