When a catastrophic tech failure delayed the start of a hearing Thursday on the House’s ability to punish its own members for misconduct, it wasn’t immediately clear that it would be the high point of the afternoon session.
Then lawmakers started talking.
The two-hour meeting of the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties — billed as an academic review of lawmakers’ ability to punish or expel one another under House rules — quickly devolved into a tidal wave of outrage, a snapshot of the increasingly toxic environment that has enveloped Capitol Hill since a mob of pro-Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol and sent them fleeing for their lives.
Democrats continue to see the over their GOP colleagues who countenanced Trump’s efforts to discredit the election, and blame them for contributing to the atmosphere that inspired the mob. Republicans have largely sidestepped that debate, but as Democrats have begun ramping up tactics to marginalize the 138 House Republicans who voted to reject some of the 2020 results, some are beginning to bristle more vocally. And at Thursday’s hearing, the dam broke.
Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) accused Democrats of an “outrageous abuse of power,” of “sparking a political war” and attempting to “criminalize” GOP dissent. He compared relationships between the parties in the House to a “Cold War” that would lead to “mutually assured destruction.”
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Destruction is what the devildemocommiecrats intend!!!!!!!!!!
" a mob of pro-Donald Trump supporters stormed the Capitol and sent them fleeing for their lives." That is almost completely been debunked. At least to anyone who has a brain. There was never any real danger to the congress critters, no matter what the Democrats want to tell us. Mike Johnson is absolutely correct in his statement. But when you have a bunch of Marxist in power who have their hand picked RINOS who care more about their own personal power than they do about their constituents (and most of those are too ignorant to vote them out of poiwer). there is not a whole lot that can be done. It just makes me very angry to hear these Democrats blaming everything on Trump's supporters when they fail even to discipline a member of their own party who had an affair with a Chinese spy. I'd ask if they had any integrity, morals or ethics, but I already know the answer to that. A big fate NO!
Martha, no ALMOST to it. This lie keeps getting repeated because devildemocommiecrats and their minions repeat it trying to follow the Goebbels plan of "tell a lie big enough, long enough and it will be believed". The low information, low intelligence supporters of devildemocommiecrats are too stupid to do anything but believe what they are told to believe!!!!!!!!!!
CONVENTION OF THE STATES is what the Founders provided "WE THE PEOPLE" to prevent any and all Administrations from "Changing America" in ways that
the People reject . In my opinion The Dems have become a THREAT to this Republic ,that being the case maybe the time has come to hold a Convention Of The States .
. Convention Of the states has POWER over the Congress . POWER over a ROUGE Administration such as we have now . Learn about the Convention Of the States , KNOWLEDGE IS POWER !
the political ruling class will just ignore anything a COS comes up with just like they ignore the Constitution now!!!!!!!!!!
I just got a survey and donation request from the RNC. Sent is back to them with a note telling them to take me off of their mailing list. Every question was about helping them fight the Biden so called administration. Asked them where they were when Trump needed their help during his Presidency and 2020 election.. With the exception of a few they are useless. Told them I will vote for whomever TRUMP endorses and that goes for the Primaries also.
What Can We Do About Federal Overreach...
Call a Red State convention to draft Anti-Commandeerng and Nulificaiton legislation... that addresses the key issues regarding federal government overreach... things like a unified declaration denouncing the election fraud and demanding a new election, address election security and fraud with draft state legislation.
Establish a unified policy regarding the rights of states to enforce border security... affirm and define our rights to keep and bear arms, affirm and define the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 10th amendments... by proclamation and referendum... which unmistakenly define civil liberties and state's rights. Issue several joint proclamations that define acceptable covid policy, immigration standards, and clarify the difference between lawful immigration and an INVASION by mass migration. Address several other issues of federal overreach by developing anti-commandeering and nullification legislation and policy that is uniformly administered by the Red States. Draft legislation that all States can use to reign in the excesses of federal power.
Organize a unified front to federal abuses... bring lawsuits and other actions to bear on the problems of federal overreach. Propose and create draft petitions and organize state-sponsored assemblies that demonstrate the several states' resolve to return government to its original purposes and authority under the US Constitution.
Is that what you call installing a Totalitaruian Regime with then help of threir OWNER,President Xi? The WHOLE truth and nothing but?...........How about them PROJECTING THEIR INSURRECTION ON ON US SO THEY CAN ROUND US UP AND KILL US LATER!!!!.......HOW ABOUT THAT!!!
I only see one way out of the mess - a non violent way - start targeting those House and Senate members that are the traitors within their own party and find and support alternates for the 2022 election. Personally I would prefer to hang them all in public but ........!
Five alleged (G)OP congress critters voted to outlaw private gun sales and to empower federal officials to ban gun sales during emergencies.
Easily email your congress critters here: https://inhere.salsalabs.org/dontyoudare