Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said on Sunday that Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) reasons for not supporting Democrats' social spending bill are "bull----" after the West Virginia moderate shocked lawmakers Sunday by announcing he was a "no" on the legislation.

"Let’s be clear: Manchin’s excuse is bull----. The people of West Virginia would directly benefit from childcare, pre-Medicare expansion, and long term care, just like Minnesotans," Omar tweeted.

Omar said Manchin's position was what progressive House lawmakers had warned for months — that the Senate did not have all 50 Democratic votes needed to pass Biden's spending package.

“This is exactly what we warned would happen if we separated Build Back Better from infrastructure,” she said.

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  • Says a ISIS member! 

    • omar is a satanic PIG!!!!!!!!!!


  • In comparing the "Spanish Flu Pandemic" of 1918 to the Current Covid Pandemic here in the United States, Factual Comparisons must be made. The Spanish Flu killed, unaided, 675,000 Americans when Our Nation's Population was 105 Million, making the "Mortality Rate .64%. Today's Covid Mortality Rate with " Contributing Factors " of Heart Disease, Obesity and Diabetes is 800,000 with a National Population of 333 Million making the "Mortality Rate .27%. The Spanish Flu reached " Herd Immunity " in approximately two years as is the Historical Record of all influenza viruses. Covid is reaching "Herd Immunity" within the Historical Two Year Period with "Vaccines" creating New Sub Varieties of the Covid Virus, pushing the danger of creating a "Super Virus", resistant to all Future Vaccines. The question proposed is " Why, and to what purpose? "

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • Lynn, the purpose is to either kill or incarcerate patriots so the forces of satan can have their way!!!!!

  • Not only should mush-head omar NOT be in Congress- - she should NOT even be in the USA!  I keep saying "Rescind her fraudulently obtained citizenship and ship her back to her Somolian sand dune!

  • So currently, the Covid Virus through vast Progressive Socialist MEDIA/Political Propaganda Manipulation has resulted in massive vaccinations of unqualified/untested three doses of a Pharmaceutical product, which all failed to  completely meet the "Minimum Standards Required under the Geneva Convention, Article 10" to qualify as a "Vaccine!" The result thus far being "Full (Non Minimum Standards) Vaccines" required, with Isolationism and Face Masks (useless due to porosity being larger than diameter of dry virus), running the same "Risks" of Creation of a Super Virus through Mutation as Over Use of Antibiotics created "Super Bacteria" totally resistant to all treatments! The difference being Super Bacteria is normally isolated in body areas with the potential of "Surgical Removal." This is not an option with a Total Body Invasive Virus should one more Mutation turn Super Deadly. Sheep leading themselves to their own extinction.

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

    • The virus weakens as it changes, but the vaccinated may react to it differently than the unvaccinated. We are yet to see if the worry of many doctors was justified, their concerns were that this vaccine makes the host more vulnerable because of the changes in their immune system. They may have purposely or by ignorance created a vaccine that changes the reaction to a foreign product, overreacting,  the system goes into a frenzy that they cannot stop.

      You are talking about two different things, a bacteria and a virus! Antibiotics were very successful in saving lives with a bacteria, but a virus is still a challenge our body has to fight off! This is the reason the man who came up with ivermectin got the NPP, it is very affective with some viral infections, parasites, used for humans to treat scabies, etc. and also used for animals. You are very correct about the problem caused by ignorant doctors with the antibiotics, the cure for that is probiotics, when we get bacterial infections I always use probiotics, massive doses, to add extra soldiers  to help the body fight off the enemy.......and it works.
      This Covid virus tends to die off with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin, if they are willing to use it. This makes me wonder if it could have been used for the flu as well?????? I also wonder if Covid took the place of the flu? Remember the Spanish flu, how many it killed.......then it faded as it changed and weakened!

  • The only Bull Shit I can see in comes out of omar's mouth.

  • Time to deport this undesireable 

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