
  • Ridiculous democrats will never stop this money making scam against the American people.

  • Constitutional challenges to election results are lawful and necessary... there is nothing inherently subversive in lawfully challenging election results. 

    Those who pose  Constitutional challenges to Electors or the vote totals are exercising their Constitutional right... to ensure our elections are honest, open, and fair.  All ligitimate parties and candidates for office should not fear a lawful challenge to election results. 

    Failure to permit lawful challenges to the 2020 election results and to make such challenges unlawful ...has destroyed the Public's confidence in the Nation's electoral system... The January 6th, 2021  staged DC riot was planned to disrupt Congress's Constitutional duty to CERTIFY ...  the electoral vote as lawful.  By ending the Constitutional process to certify the electoral vote before hearing all challenges to the vote,  VP Pence made a sham out of the CERTIFICATION PROCESS.  The dispute over the vote totals and assignment of Electors remains problematic in the Public's eye.

    If the Congressional Certification Process had legitimately heard and  Constitutionally voted upon every pending electoral challenge, there would not be a lingering challenge to the legitimacy of the current Administration...  The public would be satisfied that the election was fair and lawful... As it is ... there remain serious questions and challenges to the Electoral Vote.

  • Gee, you would think that from listing to her, that cheating on elections is perfectly legal!

  • NEWSFLASH !!!!!

    The United States of America is NOT a "democracy" !!!!
    The founders went to great lengths to explain this to the people - and politicians are attempting to get Americans to beleive we are a "democracy" - which in history ALWAYS devolves into tyrnnay.....

  • So says just another lying anti-American Democrat!!!

  • Certainly if you call Marxism democracy! 

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