American Politicians Are Getting Filthy Rich Laundering Your Money To Defense Contractors

In 2023 the US Government spent $47.7 billion dollars with Lockheed Martin. “Lockheed then proceeded to spend more than a $100 million lobbying the government. Those are all in the forms of gifts, trips, and all kinds of other bullsh*t for elected representatives.”

“It makes me question what the hell do our government be doing with our tax dollars?”

“They funnel the money overseas, whether through direct contributions to a country or through our nation's largest weapons manufacturers who then funnel that money back to our elected leadership through lobbyists, and they make themselves rich. And the funny thing is they don't hide it. Like, they're not hiding the fact that they're doing this. I mean, they make it very fucking obvious this is what they're doing.

Like, take Lockheed Martin, for example. Last year, the United States government spent $47,700,000,000 with Lockheed Martin, which insanely enough represented 93% of Lockheed Martin's revenue for the year. Without our money, they wouldn't exist. But, anyway, after the United States government gave them 47,000,000,000, Lockheed then proceeded to spend more than a $100,000,000 lobbying the government. Those are all in the forms of gifts, trips, and all kinds of other bullshit for elected representatives.

Oh, and the funnest part? Nearly 80% of the money we gave to Lockheed Martin, we borrowed. So we borrowed the money with interest to give it to a government contractor who then took a nice chunk of that money and spent it on the representatives that voted to give them the money in the 1st place. And none of this is hidden. They're not deceiving anyone.

This is all publicly disclosed, and that's not even counting all the smaller contracts. You know, those contracts that are given out to small contracting firms that are generally owned by friends of the congressman who push the bill to pay them. Like, bro, you have to think about the fact that last year all by itself, when we look at all discretionary spending, we spent $861,000,000,000 on defense. 80% of that on other countries' defense. And we spent around 700,000,000,000 on everything that's not defense.

We spent more last year from discretionary spending on defense for other nations than we did on everything else in the US. Every other government program, whether it's science or housing or anything, all of that together was less than what we spent on the defense of other countries. So to answer your question, that's what they're doing with our money.”

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