p class="subheading">According to far-left CNN, Fox News is “encouraging” people who appear on Fox to blacklist Newsmax TV.
CNNLOL reports that Fox is feeling the ratings heat from Newsmax, so, “Producers on some Fox programs have been told to monitor Newsmax’s guest bookings and throw some sand in Newsmax’s gears by encouraging guests who appear on both channels to stop saying yes to the upstart.”
Of course, “encouraging” is just another way to say that Fox is threatening to blacklist those who appear on Newsmax. Per CNNLOL, “producers were told to avoid some regular guests if they kept showing up on Newsmax after being encouraged to stop.”
Yeah, that’s blacklisting.
Fox News denies all of this, but Fox News lies…
Then again, CNNLOL lies, most especially Brian “Tater” Stelter, who wrote this piece.
So who knows what the truth is. It’s just fun to watch two of America’s biggest villains throw poop at one another.
There are a lot of reports out there about Fox’s cratering ratings. The truth, though, is that we just don’t know yet, and really won’t know until the presidential election is settled. The news cycle is too insane to get a bead on anything, and whenever I see a report about FOX NEWS RATINGS COLLAPSE, it’s based on a single day, usually a Friday or weekend day, which makes for a nice headline — hey, I clicked — but reeks of cherry-picking.
What we do know is that the ratings for Fox’s right-of-center cable competition (Newsmax, OAN) are up, and that increase has to come from at least some from Fox News’s bleeding. Tee hee.
The great Ace of Spades noticed something else in this CNNLOL report, and that’s how — just like leftists — Fox News “insiders” demean the people at Newsmax as “far-right” and “fringe,” and their own viewers as “radicalized.”
read more here: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/11/27/nolte-report-claims-fox-news-is-blacklisting-guests-who-appear-on-newsmax-tv/
FOX NEWS - only watchable daily shows are: HANNITY and FOX AND FRIENDS. The only watchable FOX NEWS once-a-week shows are JUSTICE (jUDGE JEANINE); LIFE, LIBERTY, AND LEVIN; THE NEXT REVOLUTION (STEVE HILTON), and SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES (MARIA BARTIROMO). There are a smattering of others with which I might venture a very cautious viewing, but none of these shows are viewable for very long! So I have 2 during the week and four one-hour shows on the week-end.
Hello, Newmax! Wish we had OAN on DISH!
I forget thr wonderful sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo!
Btw Admin Melony ... I'm old enought to remember Sen. Joe McCarthy and appreciate his insights.
I stopped watching FOX News after they decame just another "Fake News" netowrk like all the rest of MSM. I swiched to Newsmax and I like it but only wish Carlson, Hannidy and Abramnson would jump the sinking ship!!!
Tucker is available on YouTube.
Who would want to watch Carlson without their finger firmly planted and very ready on the "back-channel" button! After some of the comments he has expressed and thn his ridiculous temper tantrum concerning Sydney Powell, I watch him quite rarely! He is far too assured and full of himself and needs some weathering. He no longer impfressesme whatsoever.
I agree. Very disrespectful.
Here's another x-fox fan.
Time to so long to Fox I stop watching the idiot Wallace a long time ago now I'm leaving Fox until they became what they used to be. Hope more people start leaving Fox and let them see their ratings go down.
FOX News thinks that being “Fair and Balanced” is having a left-of-center host moderate a discussion between a RINO and a Socialist. I’m done with FOX News and have already moved to Newsmax and OANN. Fox News quit being “Fair and Balanced” years ago and is now full of bullshiite just like the rest of the Lamestream media.