In recent days, we have obtained credible information pointing to a high-level employee within the U.S. Farm Credit Administration who has, over a period of at least the past five years, engaged in acts of sabotage against the farmer borrowers who have loans within the national Farm Credit System.

This is not based on speculation or conjecture. The facts and evidence reveal that there is an employee who has worked and is working for the other side; with the other side being those with an interest in American farmland and/or those with an interest in undue profits gained from the farm credit cooperative.

As of this morning, we have narrowed the field of internal employees down to just three; based on a process of review and an analysis of thousands of pages of farm credit records obtained from multiple sources dating back to 1987.

The employee is currently, or has been previously, assigned to the McLean, Virginia Farm Credit Headquarters.

We anticipate knowing the identity of the employee within the next week. We are confident in that position given information discovered in the last hour.

We will be making our findings public in order to protect the farmer borrowers with loans in the Farm Credit System.


Media Inquiries: 2569965822 (text) / dm

Pending Federal Complaint found here:

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  • The only way to root out the Communist Infiltrators in our Gov't is to Eliminate a good portion of all Agencies and Reduce the size of our Gov't turning over administration of necessary services to the States.

  • Find them and bring on the firing squad!! Traitors need to be elminated

    • Agreed. Public executions.

  • The would be -ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT USURPERS are working to damage every sector and profession in OUR U,S, A,  But this is acutely Critical and this network of evil doers MUST BE PROMPTLY IDENTIFIED and the PEOPLE MUSTSee to It that All nECESSARY Steps are taken TO PROSECUTE, CONVICT and IMPRISON THEM.


    • The agency employee is, probably, a "Bill Gates plant"!!

  • I wonder if most peoplle realize how damaging this is to our country.  The small farmer is the backbone of our economy.  This is just another way for the government to put their thumbs on the people; destroy their health and the country!

    • i SENT About 30 plus E MAILS of this blog......(LAST NAMES ERASED ) DESCRIBING THIS FRAUD and THIEVERY to farmers and associated businesses.

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