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SOURCE: Fox's CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, is considering suspending or firing @TuckerCarlson for insensitive reporting on new court documents that show George Floyd had a fatal level of fentanyl in his system when he died. (developing)

2/ Fox's Lachlan Murdoch heard about Tucker Carlson's 'attack' on George Floyd from Hillary Clinton's former spokesmen Jesse Lehrich who said, "Tucker Carlson smeared George Floyd tonight, claiming he 'almost certainly died of a drug overdose.' (cont)

3/ " sickens me that the Floyd family has to endure this depravity, and I hope they sue Tucker & FOX for $3B, which is apparently the only thing that changes their behavior."

Image result for george floyd autopsy

Jesse Lehrich:-

Tucker Carlson smeared George Floyd tonight, claiming he 'almost certainly died of a drug overdose.'

it sickens me that the Floyd family has to endure this depravity, and I hope they sue Tucker & FOX for $3B, which is apparently the only thing that changes their behavior.


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  • What a bunch of BS!!!!  Jesse Lehrich could give a rat's butt about George Floyd's family. They just want to get rid of Fox News and especially Tucker Carlson.  What tucker said was most likely the truth about the drugs because that's is what the Court documents state.


  • Either get him out of there or he should leave of his own volition. It seems to be all leading onto a complete and total separation of righteous ones from servants of darkness. FIX is as dead as the Republican party and Tucker and Dobbs need to be welcomed home somewhere else, maybe Brighteon or Patreon or some other platform where brilliant minds with truthful tongues are appreciated. It is time for the split to be complete. 

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