
    • A Landslide is a good start!

  • If so, no chair for you Kevin!

  • Beware!  The Democrats have been using "VooDoo and Media HooDoo" to stir up controversy and perceived in fighting for awhile now!  My personal thoughts: Trump - DeSantis - 2024

  • They just want to divide the Republicans party 

  • In a preview of a potential Republican presidential primary showdown, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis will hold dueling Florida rallies on Sunday as the two men battle for supremacy of the Sunshine State and the heart of the GOP.

    The former president will welcome supporters in Miami, the third stop in a four-city tour that has effectively made Trump a leading player in his party's fight for control of Congress. Meanwhile, the Florida governor will headline his own events in three counties on the state's opposite coast -- Hillsborough, Sarasota and Lee -- steering far clear of Trump as he seeks to close out his bid for a second term
  • THIS, RIGHT HEREis why we can't have anything nice...

    Although the Dems have a complete split between Establishment @sses, and the radical Socialist Democrats, we CANNOT overlook these Establishment RINO Republicans, who like McConnell, McCarthy, Ryan et al...couldn't lead themselves out of work, let alone Politics. They are just as dangerous as any Communist threat. 

  • I don't trust either one of them. They've always been negative to Trump while supporting McConnell and  riding on Trumps coat tails. 

    • They are trying to divide our chances. rather then supporting the party. 

    • As I see it, Ryan and McCarthy ARE the party, the RNC and all the Establishment which controls it.  In collusion with the Left, they dumped Trump.  They, and others like McConnell, Boehner, Cheney, Pence, Collins and you know the rest, are there to make absolutely sure that none of our wants and needs as a country are met and that the New World Order's agenda for us is advanced, incrementally.  They use the Democrats for that, usually, except when they gloriously join them in signing multi-thousand page "spending" bills.  Then they pretend that only Biden is responsible for inflation...

      The two parties are a scam and if the GOP voting public is catching on at all, they are far too slow in doing it, not wanting to believe or simply continuing to believe all the empty promises, thinking "it will be different this time".  No, it won't..  Watch: you will NEVER see a conservative House Speaker or Majority Leader...and it is they who decide what gets a vote and when it gets it.  They decide how all the others in the party will vote as well.  Far too much power in congress is in too few hands and all of it in Liberal hands.  That is, unless we grow a pair and change it!

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