
  • all is Demonic period.

  • So it's a panel on figuring out how to destroy the supreme court as a branch of our government's  checks and balances. They will not be happy until everything this country stands for is destroyed. They have a good head start on their process. And I'm just responding to it

  • Doesn't the Supreme Court still hear cases and come to a final decision?

  • Who made  this decision to do this? Biden didn't make it. Who are Biden's handlers? Who is really running this country? Republican Congressmen and Senators need to grow a spine and start asking these questions.

  • Must be systemic racism... Of all the items Psaki stated the panel will be looking into she never mentioned LGBTQ and others on the Court, Blind, Mute and Deaf on the Court, Underage Children on the Court, Ex Felons on the Court and Illegal Immigrants on the Court. 

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