
  • Got a better idea clear the upper echelon of the FBI and put some people in charge that will enforce the law equally to All People regardless of your Last Name or What Office you hold.  REAL SIMPLE!!

  • Coulda, woulda shoulda....if they did it'd be nothing but talk.

  • FBI law enforcement for sale anybody??  You got the cash we cover your a$#@!!

    • Many years ago I was in a place in Philadelphia called the "Black Banna" and there was a  young gentleman being flogged by a rather attractive young lady and he scread don't take my picture I am an  F.B.I. agent. What could I do but in my best stage whisper say "Don't Woeey about it kidf at least you aren't wearing a dress like J.Edgar Hoover" That brought the house down. 

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