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  • The REPUBLICANS AND REPUBLICAN SUPPORTERS need to wake up, There are NO RULES ANYMORE ANYTHING GOES NOW, If what just happened in NEWYORK hasnt opened your eyes then you are hopelessly blind, We can only hope this outcome has awakened A SLEEPING GIANT, Hopefully those of us that actually care will turn our ANGER INTO determination to RID OUR GOVERNMENT of those that choose to use LAWFARE as a means to defeat POLITICAL OPPONENTS THAT THEY CANT DEFEAT AT THE BALLOT BOX, We must CONTACT (REPUBLICANS MEMBERS) of congress and demand thast they start fighting back against the insane policies of the left. This applies not only at the FEDERAL LEVEL IT MUST APPLY AT CITY,STATE, AND COUNT LEVELS ALL ACROSS OUR NATION, WE are standing on the sidelines allowing our nation to be destroyed from within ITS TIME TO WAKE UP, The LEFT ISNT SLEEPING THEY ARE DESTROYING, AND THE LONGER WE REMAIN SILENT THE MORE THEY DESTROY.

    • It would be easier to list those Republicans we should retain in Congress than those we want to be removed... An overwhelming majority of the GOP needs to be removed from both Houses of Government.

    • P/S

      Asking the GOP to FIGHT is ludicrous these feckless politicians can't even defend their part's planks let alone the Union and our Constitution.

    • Sadly you are correct

  • Rules?  What rules? The democommies play by their own rules, which "they make up as they go along"!! So I suggest we start playing by their "made up rules" and throw it right back at them!!

  • The opening message was stated well, and I can name quite a few, including all democrats and rinos. We have to go after everyone that keeps wanting "Hope and Change" to this once great country called the USA.

    • There has to be a cleansing across the board when President Donald J. Trump takes over the White House. It would be better if this happened now but that's just not realistic because demonrats and rinos still hold a majority that they obtained illegally. 

  • Playing by the rules is one thing, not pursuing justice is another. I don't think Republicans or Trump should "go after" the dems who have been doing all this weaponization of the legal system. I think they should be justly accused, prosecuted and punished for the crimes they have committed. It's a different mind set. We're not out for revenge, we are out for justice.

  • I can't blame the the Republicans for trying to play by the rules; but sadly that time is past.  We must fight fire with wire. 

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