
  • I have posted on this site many times, but this is by far the most significant post I have ever made!
    This will change your life (if you read it)!  It is based entirely on Bible scripture and prophesy and is extremely well researched and presented.  Our country and the world seem to be screwed up beyond belief.  It appears that, "RIGHT IS WRONG AND WRONG IS RIGHT", and our entire country has gone mad!   This book explains in detail what is happening at this time in history and what will happen to the United States and Great Britain at "the time of the end", which appears to me to be relatively near!   If you want to know what is actually going on in the world, I urge you with all my heart to read this book!
    “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that  are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
    I suggest that you first read Chapter 1, 4, and 5.  After that you can read 2 and 3 to get the history.…
  • I have posted on this site many times, but this is by far the most significant post I have ever made!
    This will change your life (if you read it)!  It is based entirely on Bible scripture and prophesy and is extremely well researched and presented.  Our country and the world seem to be screwed up beyond belief.  It appears that, "RIGHT IS WRONG AND WRONG IS RIGHT", and our entire country has gone mad!   This book explains in detail what is happening at this time in history and what will happen to the United States and Great Britain at "the time of the end", which appears to me to be relatively near!   If you want to know what is actually going on in the world, I urge you with all my heart to read this book!
    “I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that  are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
    I suggest that you first read Chapter 1, 4, and 5.  After that you can read 2 and 3 to get the history.…
  •  I am sick to my stomach and frigthened to death aout what is happening to the country and the world, but I have no idea what I (a normal citizen) can do about it.  Sending letters to my government representatives gets nothing done and I am becoming convinced that Republicans are complicit with the Demos in destroying the country, not fighting to save it.   Posting on websites like this is like preaching to the choir.    Most likely it has become meaningless to vote (although I certainly will still vote) now that the Democrats have mastered cheating.   The global elite spend billions to get things to go their way.  We really need to organize and get a leader to lead us, but I have no idea how (or the means) to accomplish this.  When we do get a leader (Trump for example) the Demos just use the system to indict them and toss them in jail.   At the same time we have all the evidence that proves that so many of our leaders are on the take and committing treason, yet nothing happens to them.   If anyone has a suggestion about what we can do, I would really like to hear it!

    • I have a feeling in my gut that tells me what should be done, but it seams impossible to get done.....even when we have someone like Trump in office, as you stated above.

      I came from a communist country and it was there much like it is here now, nothing could be done, those who stood either were killed or imprisoned...wishing they were killed. The rule of law was whatever worked for the leadership, people were convicted of nothing at all, made up, twisted, sounding ridiculous like it does here as we see convictions and accusations that sound like they are coming from a 4 year old most adults would chuckle at. The problem is that all this is real and not child's play, and we will all pay a huge price unless we get lucky enough that Trump gets back in and puts away 3/4 of DC politicians.
      Our situation under communism became hopeless to the point that we KNEW there's nothing we can do, the cards were stacked against us and we knew it will go on forever, we will never be other than  puppets to the leadership who were pulling our strings. It's a terrible thing to live without the possibility of hope, it all gets gray.

      Not until Reagan moved into the WH and began to move the bricks around, were things slightly shifting. I'll never forget when he said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall", and my sad reaction to his words was "you are dreaming, it will never happen, they will never give up the power! ". Naturally I didn't know it was an already done deal, the Soviets ran out of everyone else's money, there was nothing else left anywhere to steal and sell, and Reagan offered them a somewhat dignified exit. They pulled out, left in huge convoys like the thieves they were, in the middle of the night. Now that Trump KNOWS, he clearly understands how things work in DC we just might have one last chance to save the republic, unless they kill him.....which isn't out of the question, they'll do anything for power, and they have already  done worst and got away with it.

      I completely, with my who,e heart  believe God put him into the WH the first time, he can do it again, there's reasons why he is so abused, so mistreated, perhaps it all must be for more people to begin to see, make a connection to him, to stand with him! 

    • Ilona, I so agree with you—that God has been using Trump, leading him into understanding of how bad and deep it really is, and that all of this is the great unveiling to the sleeping masses. And that He who can save a nation in a day, is leading Trump again, leading the people into alert mode, so that this nation can be saved. I believe it with all my spirit, mind, and soul. 

  • The republicans either grow a pair real fast or we are done as a republic! I don't have much faith in the republicans doing the right thing. They had Trump, but they refused him!

  • At 16 years old, after watching all the videos of President Kennedy being assassinated, time and time again, I knew then that it was a head shot from the front that killed him! Bottom line, I have lived long enough to hear the TRUE assassin tell how he did it and even what kind of round he used. Yet, nothing will ever been done. Nothing has ever been done about anything, period! In my opinion, the Bush crime family is larger than the Clinton crime family! So what if they throw Bobble Head Biden’s crime family under the bus, it will just a distraction while the NWO takes down another country, the U.S.A.! YET, nothing is ever truly done, EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Look what “WE” are letting the enemy, (THE FED AGENCIES) do to our citizens at the Jan 6 protest.
    We are a heart beat away from NEVER HAVING A FREE ELECTION AGAIN! We have to go after the heads of the organizations that are taking us down. It’s kind of funny the NWO is using our own money to do it and profit from it, absolutely amazing!!! ALL it takes is for good men to do nothing for evil men to destroy them.

    • Great post... Inner Trader

    • Inner Trader, you are so right!  I agree with you 100% and I am sick to my stomach and frigthened to death aout what is happening to the country and the world, but I have no idea what I (a normal citizen) can do about it.  Sending letters to my government representatives gets nothing done and I am becoming convinced that Republicans are complicit with the Demos in destroying the country, not fighting to save it.   Posting on websites like this is like preaching to the choir.    Most likely it has become meaningless to vote (although I certainly will still vote) now that the Democrats have mastered cheating.   The global elite spend billions to get things to go their way.   We really need to organize and get a leader to lead us, but I have no idea how(or the means) to accomplish this.  When we do get a leader (Trump for example) the Demos just use the system to indict them and toss them in jail.   At the same time we have all the evidence that proves that so many of our leaders are on the take and committing treason, yet nothing happens to them.   If you have a suggestion about what we can do, I would really like to hear it!

    • SAY MIKE, i am puttingt the hyperlinks to our web pages herein a bunch of e-mails so the folks "out there" can see what we are confrronting. Hopefully some will join up and or our arguements will carry into the community and Piss some tax payers off.  Like you i'm trying to figure what is going to stomp out the corruption . My "wheels" are turning.

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