
  • The answer is simple... the GOP/RNC needs my Election Fix It Kit... Consisting of a bigger and faster ballot-chasing machine... a sledgehammer, a printing press, and my secret weapon (to be disclosed later). 

    Turn the ballot-chasing machines on early... and if the machines can't keep pace with the Democrat machine... immediately apply the sledgehammer solution to the Democrat machines and be sure to get them all.  Next, fire up the printing press. Print millions of ballots with Trump as the only candidate on the ballot and stuff every ballot collection box you can find... be sure to avoid cameras, keep the sledgehammer out of sight, and wear a hoodie if you own one... No MAGA Hats.

    Finally, if all that fails to give Trump the lead, break the glass on the secret solution box and push the button marked "Danger Radiation Hazard"' and run. Be sure to avoid running thru heavily populated Democrat precincts... and by all means, be sure not to wear your MAGA hats. 

    JUST KIDDING... a little humor for a humorless problem... What do you think ... Did it work... the humor that is ... not the red button in the glass box.

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