
  • Perhaps the era of time when the US gave up on the war against drugs was when the George W. Bush Administration prosecuted the 2 Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean back in 2005. They made a routine "bust" of 800 lbs of marijuana, but shot at the drug-runner several times when he tried to run back to Mexico. One of the bullets allegedly hit the drug-runner, although he successfully ran back to Mexico. This somehow violated his civil rights, even though his presence in the US was illegal, along with the marijuana he was carrying. And the prosecution claimed that the 800 lbs of marijuana that was seized was an "illegal search" of the van, a violation of the 4th Amendment. Even Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein had some questions. She posed, "You mean that, if a foreign national whose pushing drugs tries to run back to Mexico, the Border Patrol agents aren't allowed to just shoot him?" The official at the Senate briefing simply said, "No, Ma'am". Senator Feinstein simply said, "No wonder we can't win the War on Drugs".

  • Who was that idiot talking to the American people is he from fantasy land 

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