On the heels of a disputed and widely mocked bombshell, The Atlantic is revealed to be majority owned by one of Biden's biggest benefactors.
Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the majority stakeholder in the publication. Powell Jobs was named by The New York Times among those who financed at least $500,000 of then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's campaign in the 2nd quarter this year.
According to the Federal Election Commission campaign finance data, Powell Jobs poured $610,600, the legal limit for donations Vox reported, into the Biden Victory Fund, posted on Jun. 19.
https://cms.thepostmillennial.com/content/images/size/w1000/2020/09/Screenshot-2020-09-04-at-1.22.08-PM---Edited.png 1000w, https://cms.thepostmillennial.com/content/images/size/w1600/2020/09/Screenshot-2020-09-04-at-1.22.08-PM---Edited.png 1600w, https://cms.thepostmillennial.com/content/images/2020/09/Screenshot-2020-09-04-at-1.22.08-PM---Edited.png 1842w" alt="" />In response to these recently-circulated findings, Donald Trump Jr. snapped back on Twitter.
But The Atlantic is a totally unbiased "news outlet," and not just propaganda for Joe Biden. 🙄🙄🙄 https://t.co/B1uf96ay8B
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 4, 2020
These revelations came a day after The Atlantic published a takedown piece on President Donald Trump based on four anonymous sources accusing the president of rainchecking a visit to the graves of fallen World War I soldiers due to inclement weather.
read more here: https://thepostmillennial.com/revealed-the-atlantic-is-owned-by-a-biden-megadonor
Where are the Christian owned media sources?
This can't accept President Trump is for the people and what is best for America he care for the nation
Amazing the things we are finding out! Love the Pepe!!
Yep, just another gear in the Democrat propaganda machine. Goering and Himmler of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (aka Nazis) would have been so proud. Unfortunately, some deluded US citizens still believe that these uber-rich, authoritarian liberal progressives have the best interests of our republic and its citizens at heart, and would actually work to protect our constitutional freedoms. That is the big lie which is promalgated regularly in publications such as The Atlantic. So we should simply don't subscribe to, buy it, or patronize its advertisers.
Gee what a shock well no not really. The people who want Trump out and the nation dead are not us they are America haters we know that and will go to any length and lie and do what it takes to make America a commie shithole.
Just remember the names of the people that perpetrated this coup d'e tat. They are all the wealthy that have signed on to the 16 year plan to murder 7 billion people on the planet, along with china, u.n. gates, fauci, birx, biden, obamas, clintons. This is why laws do not pertain to them, they are the architects of the plan, and have to do whatever is necessary and can't have laws and the Constitution get in their way.
A scary prospect like that puts fear into any American patriot. Trump is our only hope that this won't happen. That's why he needs our unwavering support no matter what, no questions asked. Otherwise we leave ourselves and the country open to total destruction. Chaos, riots, moral and fiscal bankruptcies loom. No way. Trump 2020!!!
Everybody knows that Trump loves the military and that he is a fearless Commander-in-Chief. I say The Atlantic should be sued and fined to the point that they have to shut down. That's what needs to be done with all fake news. The federal government needs to make sure of that. Otherwise lies will keep being disseminated to the gullible.