

    Kennedy Assassination.

    (Dallas Tx. Nov 22, 1963 12:30 PM).

    He took three hits.

    #1, the book depository, (back of the neck). Initial inspection by Dallas police of the 6th floor storage area found two rifles. The open sighted Italian by the window and a scoped Mauser hide behind boxes. The Italian rifle looked like the same gun Oswald had his picture with, the Mauser disappeared from the Dallas police department immediately and forever. Two young women working at the depository were watching from a third story window. Right after the shot  they heard from above them, they raced down stairs and saw Oswald coming out of the 2nd floor cafeteria. (They both took separate lie detector test and confirmed! All information on the two women has long since disappeared.

        The shot from the depository hit Kennedy in the back of the neck exiting his throat which he grabbed (this can be seen on video) and hitting John Connolly. BTW, Kennedy was shot with the Mauser, not the Italian and Oswald tested negative when given a paraffin test on his cheeks and hands for gunpowder residue, meaning he wasn’t there!

    #2. Cemetery wall,(temple shot). I watched the whole thing live and saw a gun flash from that grassy knoll, never heard the shot, probably silenced, however people were hollering and pointing in that direction. The news commentator (Ted Kopple) replayed that segment of the  grassy knoll once, never saw it again.

    #3  storm sewer well, (forehead shot). There was people right by the street curb that were interviewed, that stated they heard a shot from what they said was right below them and VERY close. This was the frontal and the fatal shot. The storm sewer leads under the street to the cemetery area. Right after the shooting, two men were seen walking away, along the inside wall of the cemetary in the opposite direction of the flow of people going towards the action on the street, probably the storm sewer shooter and the grassy knoll shooter.


        Google “JFK 7.65 Mauser” (tap videos), you’ll learn a lot, some of it may even be true. BTW, I did see a picture of the two guns side by side but it’s been scrubbed years ago. I believe the Italian AND Oswald was set up because he had his prints all over it, the Mauser had NO prints...NONE!  They found three empty shells from the Italian by the window, about an inch apart all facing the same direction. “IT DON’T HAPPEN THAT WAY” and remember, those two women heard only one shot! BTW, Experts proved it impossible to put three accurate rounds on a small moving target, with a bolt action rifle with open sights, in that time frame! “IT DON’T HAPPEN LIKE THAT”!

       As for other incidents of the assassination, the “Proof” has mostly disappeared, although some is uncensored and still out there if you really look. A lot of the things I saw live that day, were never aired again. That was over 50 years ago (dated) but I remember it like yesterday and I’ll bet my recollections are far more accurate than the Warren Report that is riddled with inaccuracies such as the head shot from behind (book depository) even though his head snapped back on impact from the frontal shot with major bone loss was in the back of his skull. I also saw a picture taken at the hospital, of his head with a large part of his skull missing in the back, which is consistent with a frontal shot. (FYI, The First Lady was holding that piece of skull bone in her hands at the time of the shooting and the motorcycle cops behind the car were hit by bone and brain matter). They also tried to tell the public that the bullet made 90 degree turns to protect the one shooter narrative necessary to blame Oswald. “IT DON’T HAPPEN THAT WAY”! That bullet in question, came from the book depository and was the one that also hit John Connally. Who’s at fault? my guess:

       Johnson’s deep state.



      Bottom line, 100% of the Warren Report was meant to frame Oswald as the single shooter and shift the blame away from a possible conspiracy, which it was!


    Believe me or not, makes no difference to me.



  • A Democrat said that outloud! You have to be joking!

    They did the samething to Dr. King. I'm not a DemocRat, but I said it outloud!  

  • President JFK was murder and the CIA and FBI are responsible so if killing was easy for them how easy it was for them to steal the election from President Trump. This is not America we are worsted then Russia 

  • There may have been as many as eight snipers, one stationed in the gutter where he was shot. Others all over the route.

  • John, Bobbie and probably Joe were terminated by the resident Evil Deep State...also Marily10913162281?profile=RESIZE_710xn Monroe.

  • I was 16 yrs old when I saw President Kennedy being assassinated on black and white tv. I had grown up around guns, I knew what I saw when his wife threw herself on the trunk of the car trying to gather up parts of JFK’s head parts and even in black & white tv you could see the mist of blood in the air, you could see part of his skull come apart. I knew that head shot had to have come from the front, blowing blood and parts to the back side of JFK. I could go on for 3 or 4 more pages of WHY I knew what I saw was real and that the reports were a lie. However, better than that, just listen to the man that ACTUALLY killed JFK talk about. His interview even explained the huge mist of blood in the air from the head shot, which I couldn't explain at the time. His name is James Files. Look it up if you are interested, he gave a complete interview of the event, about 20 years ago.  Most people don't care, but for me, at 16, was the beginning of not trusting the "so called" FED agencies.

    • My Mother read The Warren Report. She said if she were going to lie to the American people, this is exactly what she would have written. 

      I for one, will check out James Files. Thx.

    • We knew, from the beginning, the Warren Commission was a complete fraud; set up by LBJ, himself, in order to make himself "look good" and draw attention "away" from himself.  That shyster NEVER was any good and his "lady bird" was NO lady - - -she had secret political aspirations of her own.  And I won't even bother to go into radio station, helicoptor and sea cargo businesses they owned - - -all in "her name", of course.

    • He was one more evil man so no surprise she was evil. He separated the black family and there has been hell to pay over that abomination since then. Of course, that quote has been demo-washed to make it clean and nice. "I'll have those ***** voting democrat ...."

  • I agree and with our corrupt govt we will probably NEVER know the truth

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