
  • Good idea!

  • As it used to be and as it should be. And since he'll be out there cleaning up after Big Pharma, how about axing those annoying "You may be eligible for compensation" TV lawer ads too?

  • He needs to spearhead the complete rebirth of schools of "Medicine."  We MUST have clean and natural healing processes, including red-light therapy, med-beds, frequency healing, grounding, apricot trees (heal cancer, along with other natural things), coffee not ripped from trees while green (acidic). Cancer cannot live in an alkaline and oxygenated environment...... Period. Cannot live!

    He must end the entire jxx program and extend it to veterinary care. Humans and dogs are dying earlier. Spaying and neutering dogs cuts out 2/3 of their endocrine system, leading to various disorders and earlier death because their balancing hormones are gone. There is a better way. Even puppy sales must not happen so early and be extended to selling a puppy only after 12 weeks because they are more likely to show fear, aggression, anxiety, resource guarding and more a that early age. They are ready by 12 weeks.

    We have been living under crap called "medicine" while chemicals are poured into us through water, plants, soil, air, infertile seeds, inferior crops, while there are weeds that heal, roots that heal. We wear chemicals, breathe chemicals, touch chemicals in ways we have no choice over. Pajamas, baby clothes, carpet with fire-retardant chemicals that are not fit for human touch.

    Plastic is the entire environment's enemy #1. Why do garbage companies send out huge garbage cans when they should do a public education series documenting how bad plastic is, and is destroying whales, etc., caught up in that over 10 mile square chunk of plastic in the ocean. Time for public service announcements to break the addiction to plastic, to flouride, to chlorine, So much more. Time to make America American again. Made in America.

    Three schools:  Pharma, wrongly called "medicine," Law, wrongly assumed to be "justice," and Education, wrongly assumed to be "history and truth," have taken an ungodly toll upon this nation and all we love, from family, education, health, justice and everything else.
    It's got to all be undone and set upon truth and science and history and justice and principles and moral law.

    • Couldn't have said it better myself! I hope he cleans house

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