Richard Grenell says Biden helped target Michael Flynn

Obamagate? : TheRightCantMeme

Trump's ex-acting intelligence director Richard Grenell accused Democrat Biden of scheming to take down Trump’s first national security adviser. “Former VP Biden asked intelligence officials to uncover the hidden information on Trump’s incoming NSA [Gen Michael Flynn] three weeks before the inauguration,” Grenell said.....referencing revelations by Flynn’s legal team of disgraced ex-FBI agent Peter Strzok's note.

The 1/4/17 note implicates Biden in selecting the Logan Act as a rationale for keeping active an investigation the FBI was prepared to close. “VP: ‘Logan Act’,” the note written by Strzok says.

Grenell condemned Obama’s inquiry. “I saw Democrats’ entire case for Russian collusion. And what I saw made me sick to my stomach. The Obama-Biden admin secretly launched a surveillance operation on the Trump campaign and silenced those who spoke up against it. They presented bogus information as facts. They lied to judges. Then classified anything that undermined their case,” Grennell said.

“And after Donald Trump won, when they should have continued the American tradition of helping the president-elect transition into the White House, they tried instead to undercut him even more.”

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