We are warned by our founding fathers and Scripture… that good governments are the tools of the righteous, SECURE in a people whose moral character is bound by a greater good than found in man alone…

Our rights, yeah… our liberty is an inalienable gift from the creator (God)...  If our only security from tyranny lies in the bosom of man… If our guarantee of life and the pursuit of happiness... is found in the restraints of human government, then we are doomed to be most miserable.  As, the hope of mankind is soon lost when men are left, solely to the devices of man.

It is not the form of government that we should fear... it is the ADMINISTRATION of government that dictates if those governed will eat of the fruit of righteousness or endure the pain of the despot.  Government is the sum of a nation’s will to keep God’s commandments or to suffer from rebellion.  History records mankind’s penchant for self-destruction.  Volumes annotate the journey of man, with the blood of their children and the tears of lost generations...

What blood shall we shed and with whose tears shall we water our gardens this day… shall it be with the blood of patriots and the tears of tyrants or will we simply sigh and bear even greater suffering?  Governments… all governments ultimately reflect the character of the individuals governed… Where the despot governs evil prospers, and where the righesous govern peace and prosperity flourish.  

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