The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Ronna Romney McDaniel, said in a new interview that she regrets letting former President Trump's lawyers, namely Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, spread unproven claims about the 2020 election from the organization's headquarters.
Speaking with The New York Times, McDaniel indicated she thought it had been a mistake to allow Giuliani and Powell to make the claims about election rigging days after the vote at the RNC's headquarters in Washington, D.C.
“When I saw some of the things Sidney was saying, without proof, I certainly was concerned it was happening in my building,” McDaniel told the newspaper. “There are a whole host of issues we had to deal with — what is the liability of the RNC, if these allegations are made and unfounded?”
During the Nov. 19 press conference at the RNC headquarters, lawyers for the former president including Powell and Giuliani claimed that Democrats had organized around the country to steal hundreds of thousands of votes in key battleground states including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Ronna Romney McDaniel, said in a new interview that she regrets letting former President Trump's lawyers, namely Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, spread unproven claims about the 2020 election from the organization's headquarters.
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I don't know why she is even given space to offer her crap. Republican turned RINO is almost worse than the Democrats. At least we know what to expenct from Democrats. McDaniel is only trashing the Republicans that supported THE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT.
The only mistake was done by YOU there was and is fraud in the 2020 presidential election the only reason it is unfounded is because the courts were either scared, complacent, or bribed, or threatened.
Evidences and witnesses were never allowed to come forward the truth about the stolen election was never brought to the public we have a communist organization that is trying to take over and We the People are the wants they fear
How does she know they are unproven when the evidence has not been presented?
She doesn't shoot herself in the foot, she's in tender parts. No feet left.
So disappointing.
Romney's neice -- a RINO.
Bull crap
John Adams is one of our greatest founders, he's so right about "parties". No parties are needed, only we the people (the challenge is to be united).
Until the R.N.C. continues this CYA (liability) this situation is gonna continue and we are going to go headlong into liberalism socialism communism.
Nut up people.
Ronna Romney's father is George Scott Romney... Mit Romney's brother... She is US Senator Mit Romney's NEICE. Does anyone think Pres. Trump actually selected her as chairperson for the RNC? Both of his arms had to be twisted well beyond human endurance for him to appoint Ronna Romney Chairperson of the RNC. More and more, with time... we are uncovering huge personnel problems in the Trump administration and GOP. Betrayal must be part of the Handbook for Republicans.
What would possess Pres Trump to choose the daughter of Mit Romney's brother to head up the GOP... Why did he select Reince Preibus (former chair of the RNC) as his first Chief of Staff and then proceed to hire two of the worst AG's in the history of the Union? Why would he expect to be reelected with a staff of globalist RINO"s running key elements within his administration and leading his party? Elements and leadership that would be expected to pursue ELECTION FRAUD.... only they didn't... I WONDER WHY they didn't? Maybe Mit Romney can shed some light on that? Sorry, but none of this dance with betrayal adds up.
Pres. Trump is not that ignorant... it must be the new math or some unknown element in the equation that remains hidden... Maybe the criminal cabal operating as the deep state used their power to make Trump an OFFER HE COULDN'T REFUSE... lots of twisted arms and a few dead horses here and there? Hiring Mit Romney's NIECE as Chairperson for the RNC is not just insane... it may be a choice worse than appointing Sessions or Barr as Attorney General.
No wonder the GOP failed to properly prepare for the November 2020 Election and hired what now appears to be a whole host of Democrat ringers to throw the election fraud cases in MI, PA, NV, AZ, etc. Pres. Trump couldn't have done a better job at inviting the enemy into his administration if he had hired... Nancy Pelosi as his HR Manager. Not only is Ronna a Romney, but her father is also a Michigan politician and lawyer, Scott Romney, the brother of US Sen. Mit Romney and the son of former MI Governor... George Romney. The ties with the Democrat Party are solid ones, not dotted lines...
Ronald, these are very good points and very well summed up!
Ronna's middle name says it all... ROMNEY... She needs to be removed from leadership now. Don't donate a dime to the RNC or any GOP candidate until the Party is reformed and women like her are thrown out of the party... it is not enough to simply censure them... throw them out.
We must defund the RNC and take it over... throwing out RINO's and Marxist Democrats dressed in GOP cloak. The RNC and GOP Leadership needs to hear a consistent and persistent message that the RNC will not receive a penny from its base as long as it continues to operate with individuals like her in leadership... and that we will do everything possible to return its leadership positions to the GOP's base.