
  • It is time to wipe and get off the pot! 

    Lynn Bryant DeSpain

  • The frustrating part is that we knew going into the election they were planning their fraud. Why didn't those who were in power at the time make every effort to make sure it did not happen? The level of naivety among our republican leaders is astonishing! 

  • Now what??

    • Perople are fed up. I can feel the Second American Revolution simmering under my feet.


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    • Marlene...

      It doesn't work that way Marlene... not after the Electoral Vote is Certified by Congress and the new President is sworn in... he is then a sitting President and the options to remove him are IMpeachment, the 25th Amendment, and resignation. The time to use the 12th Amendment was on  January 6th... but VP Pence permitted Pelosi to call for a vote to certify before all the issues over fraudulent Electors were properly aired.  Why do you think the rights were a STAGGED EVENT By the Democrat Party and Pelosi... they feared a thorough review of the Electoral Vote would throw the election into the House where the Republican's control an overwhelming majority of the State caucuses... Trump would have been elected in such a vote. 

      In effect, Congress CERTIFiED a fraudulent election.  Our options now are resignation, Impeachment, or the 25th Amendment.  Pres. Biden is the legal, Constitutionally sworn-in President thanks to the fraudulent election and CONGRESS"s certification of the Fraud as legal.

      Read the 12th Amendment...a vote in the House is to occur IMMEDIATELY after a joint session of Congress finds no individual candidate has the 270 Electoral Votes needed to be elected...not months later.  In fact, the Constitution gives Congress until March to certify an election, allowing for time to debate and certify the Electoral Vote.  Our Congress and the VP sold us out.

    • We are not talking about BENDING a regulation in letting a contract for government services here.. . we are talking about a FUNDAMENTAL PROCESS outlined in the Constitution in plain English... bending the Constitution is working to destroy it... who decides how much to bend it and for what purposes?   We are better than that... there remain constitutional means to correct this issue... albeit will take the states to act in consort and that is problematic.  It certainly won't happen unless the GOP and Democrat Leadership can get together on the removal of Biden through Constitutional means.

      I am not certain how many Democrats would jump on board with our cause if the GOP fronted a solid wall of Red States... insisting on a Recall Amendment or they would secede from the Union... it comes down to that.. will our State Governments defend the Constitution and if the LEFT insists on bastardizing it ... will the States use their God-given right to secede and form a new Union with our current Constitution as their guide? 

      We are at that critical point in governing... Will the members of Congress and the Governments (state and federal) DEFEND the constitution against its enemies foreign and domestic?  That is the question now before the nation. The sum of all others.

    • P.S " RIOTS not rights. As in " Why do you think the rights (riots) were a staged event..."

    • Lopez... Just what do you stand for.?  What is your solution... civil war?  Let's hear your solution not your complaint as we all agree the Government needs major reform.  What do you propose besides ridicule and unconstitutional action?  By the way... I doubt you know the difference between bovine scat and a cat.

      Like.. you're the only one who knows what we saw was a coup... Brilliant and about 10yrs late, as the coup has been taking place for at least that long.  The coup is the culmination of an internal insurgency by Marxist agents and the progressive left (Democrats)

    • Good... why then is Biden still in office if fraud nullifies period.  And if it nullifies who is going to enforce the nullification... you and who else?  If only it were that simple... 

    • mlopez...

      Your characterization of my position is absurd... I don't favor the STATUS QUO and have specifically called for lawful means to end the status quo... unlawful government.  The massive fraud that took place must be exposed using lawful due process if we are to reverse its effects. We must work inside the four corners of our Constitution, and our system of statutory laws to reverse the effects of the fraud. 

      Perhaps you will regale us with your plan to lawfully reverse the fraud... So far, it appears your solution leans more to the use of insurrection and sedition than lawful due process... Thus, playing into the hands of the Marxists who are preparing to use such criminal conduct as an excuse to purge the conservative dissident from the field of opposition.

      Engaging in lawless conduct will invite more oppression...  History informs us that Marxist insurgencies are nearly always followed up with massive purges of dissidents and counter-revolutionaries.  The left seeks to aggravate the dissident population with the intent of generating further violence and eventually a full-scale civil war.  We don't want to invite civil war into our children's lives and the living rooms of our neighbors. 

      We must be wise in the application of our rage... subduing its coarse nature, in exchange for civil discourse, thru lawful means: massive organized national labor strikes, tax strikes, public protests, civil disobedience, and petition.  We must commit to the use of political tools that work...  the Lech Walesa, Polish Solidarity Movement, is a model for engaging reform in a Marxist state that history demonstrates works.  What is your plan?  Civil war?

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